
Authorised form of nameEames; John (- 1744)
Dates - 1744
Place of birthLondon, England
Date of death29 June 1744
Merchant Taylors' School, London (admitted 1697)
Trained for the dissenting ministry but was deterred from this career by shyness; Assistant Tutor (1712), later Tutor (1734), Fund Academy, Tenter Alley, Moorfields, London; friend of Sir Isaac Newton (FRS 1672)
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election25/06/1724
RSActivityRoyal Society roles:
Council: 1729-1730
RelationshipsPossibly son of John Eames of Berkhamstead, Hertfordshire; unmarried
Bulloch's Roll; DNB
'Gentleman's Magazine' 1744, p339
Proposed by William Jones
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
L&P/1/35Letter, 'On extraordinary warmth of air on 19 January 1741/2 (52% at 10.00 p.m.)' by Henry Miles to John Eames20 January 1741
RBO/21/26'Mr Eames's Account of a Dissertation containing Remarks upon the Observations made in France, in order to ascertain the Figure of the Earth, by Mr Celsius, intitled: De observationibus, pro figura Telluris determinanda...'1738
RBO/21/32'The continuation of the Remarks made by Mr Celsius on the Observations taken in France, in order to ascertain the true Figure of the Earth' abstracted by John Eames1738
RBO/17/17'A Remark on a particular Load stone' by John Eames1732
NLB/17/241Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to S T H Saunders, Merchant Taylors' School, E.C.20 September 1898
LBO/19/195Copy letter from Isaac Greenwood, Cambridge in New England, to John Eames28 April 1732
CLP/22ii/55Paper, Account of James Jurin's book 'Dissertationes physico-mathematicae... [Physical-mathematical dissertations]' by John Eames [1732]
CLP/22ii/54Paper, Account of a book entitled 'Catalogue des Ourayes de Monsieur Fourmont l'Aine' by John Eames[1731]
CLP/2/19Paper, regarding telescopes invented before 1609 by [John] Eames[1726]
CLP/22ii/62Paper, Account of Monsieur [Jean Jacques d'Ortous] de Mairan's paper 'Traite physique et historique de l' Aurore Boreale or philosophical and historical treatise on the Aurora Boreale [Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights]' [by John Eames]c.1733
EL/D2/52Account of the effects of a thunder and lightning storm in Carmarthenshire sent by Evan Davies to John Eames1729
RBO/21/63'A short Account of Mr Hersseboom's Essay upon the Number of People in Holland and West Friezland ...' by John Eames1739
RBO/17/22John Eames' account of a book entitled 'Dissertationes Physico-mathematicae etc' by James Jurin1732
CLP/9ii/29Extract, 'From the Journal Books of the Royal Society concerning magnets having more poles than two' by John Eames with some observations by Dr [John] Desaguliers[1737?]
L&P/1/55Letter, 'Parhelia seen in Kent 19 December 1741' from Henry Miles to John Eames[1741]
CLP/10iii/45Letter, regarding multiplying grain from J [John] Eames to [John] Machin4 March 1729
EL/D2/69Letter, from Evan Davies to John Eames2 October 1732
CLP/3ii/25Paper, 'Remarks upon a supposed demonstration, that the moving forces of the same body are not as the velocities, but as the squares of the velocities' by John Eames1726
RBO/18/2'Account of an uncommon Form of a Chicken' in a letter to John Eames from Evan Davies, Haverford West1732
RBO/17/8'Account of a Book intitled Catalogue des Ouvrages de Mr Fourmont l'Aine etc' by John Eames1731
CLP/3ii/24Paper, 'A remark upon the new opinion relating to the forces of moving bodies in the case of the collision of non elastic bodies' by John Eames1727
CLP/22ii/73Paper, Account of John Muller's 'Mathematical treatise containing a system of conic sections with doctrine of fluxions or fluents' by John Eames[1736]
CLP/3ii/26Paper, 'Remarks upon some experiments in hydraulics, which seem to prove that the forces of equal moving bodies are as the squares of their velocities' by John Eames1727
RBO/13/12'Remarks upon some experiments in Hydraulics, which seem to prove the forces of Equal moving Bodies are the Squares of their velocities' by John Eames1727
RBO/14/78A brief account by J Eames of a book by Joseph Suzzi on mathematical topics1729
RBO/15/42Effects of a thunderstorm in Carmarthenshire communicated to the Royal Society by John Eames1730
RBO/17/32'An Account of an Inscription in unknown Characters found on a Rock in Taunton River in New England' by Isaac Greenwood in his letter to John Eames1732
RBO/19/58'Account of the Acta literaria et Scientiarum Sueciae for the year 1731 by J Eames'1736
RBO/20/19'A brief Account by Mr Eames of a Work intitled: The Method of Fluxions and infinite Series, with its applicationt to the Geometry of Curve Lines, by the Inventor, Sir Isaac Newton' 1736
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