RefNo | Title | Date |
MM/11/95 | 'Second Report of the Charter Committee, agreed upon at their Meeting held on the 25 November 1846' | 1846 |
MC/5/8 | Letter from Leonard Horner, Manchester, to Lieutenant-Colonel [Edward] Sabine, Treasurer of the Royal Society | 26 February 1851 |
RR/3/147 | Referee's report by Charles Robert Darwin, on a paper 'An account of some recent researches near Cairo, undertaken with the view of throwing light upon the geological history of the alluvial land of Egypt' by Leonard Horner | 22 March 1858 |
RR/2/111 | Referee's report by Charles Robert Darwin, on a paper 'An account of some recent researches near Cairo, undertaken with the view of throwing light upon the geological history of the alluvial land of Egypt' by Leonard Horner | 19 March 1855 |
MC/5/6 | Letter from Leonard Horner, Preston, to Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Sabine, Treasurer of the Royal Society | 25 February 1851 |
EC/1813/09 | Horner, Leonard: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
MM/21/62 | Letter from Leonard Horner to John Stevens Henslow | 15 July 1845 |
MC/6/11 | Letter from E Hammond, Foreign Office, to L [Leonard] Horner | 11 February 1859 |
RR/3/132 | Referee's report by Leonard Horner, on a paper 'On the physical structure of the old red sandstone of the county of waterford, considered with relation to cleavage, joint surfaces, and faults' by Samuel Haughton | 8 April 1858 |
PT/50/4 | Portion of paper, 'The recent researches' by Leonard Horner | [1855] |
MC/5/7 | Letter from Leonard Horner, Preston, to Lieutenant-Colonel [Edward] Sabine, [Treasurer of the Royal Society] | 25 February 1851 |
MC/5/10 | Letter from Leonard Horner, Manchester, to Lieutenant-Colonel [Edward] Sabine, [Treasurer of the Royal Society] | 12 March 1851 |
MS/257/2/315 | Letter from Leonard Horner, Hampton Wick to [Edward Sabine] | 13 June 1848 |
MC/5/5 | Letter from [Christian Charles Josias von] Bunsen, 9 Carlton Terrace, to L [Leonard] Horner | 22 February 1851 |
MC/5 | Volume 5 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1851-1858 |
MC/6/81 | Letter from Leonard Horner, apartments of the Geological Society, Somerset House, to Dr [William] Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society | 17 May 1860 |
MC/6/13 | Letter from Leonard Horner, 17 Queen's Road West, Regent's Park, to Dr [William] Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society | 14 February 1859 |
MC/6/64 | Letter from Leonard Horner, President of the Geological Society, Somerset House, to [Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie], President of the Royal Society and to the Council | 16 March 1860 |
MC/6/65 | Letter from Leonard Horner, 17 Queen's Road West, Regent's Park, to Sir Benjamin [Collins] Brodie, President of the Royal Society | 17 March 1860 |
MC/6 | Volume 6 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1859-1863 |
RR/2/109 | Referee's report by Roderick Impey Murchison, on a paper 'An account of some recent researches near Cairo, undertaken with the view of throwing light upon the geological history of the alluvial land of Egypt' by Leonard Horner | 5 March 1855 |
MS/257/2/318 | Letter from Leonard Horner, 60 Montagu Square to Edward Sabine | 25 January 1863 |
MS/257/2/316 | Letter from Leonard Horner, Hampton Wick to Hutton | 24 June 1848 |
MS/257/2/317 | Letter from Leonard Horner, 17 Queens Road West, Regents Park to [Edward Sabine] | 7 May 1860 |
RR/2/110 | Second referee's report by Roderick Impey Murchison, on a paper 'An account of some recent researches near Cairo, undertaken with the view of throwing light upon the geological history of the alluvial land of Egypt' by Leonard Horner | 11 March 1855 |
RR/3/146 | Referee's report by Roderick Murchison, on a paper 'An account of some recent researches near Cairo, undertaken with the view of throwing light upon the geological history of the alluvial land of Egypt' by Leonard Horner | 12 March 1858 |
HS/9/492 | Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Leonard Horner | 2 June 1827 |
HS/9/494 | Letter, from Leonard Horner to Sir John Herschel, dated at Rivermead, Hampton Wick | 2 December 1849 |
MS/426/293 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John [Frederick William] Herschel; to G B [George Biddell] Airy Esq; to Sir B [Benjamin Collins] Brodie; to Leonard Horner | 1 November 1847 |
HS/9/495 | Letter, from Leonard Horner to Sir John Herschel, dated at 17 Queens Rd., West | 22 January 1858 |
HS/9/493 | Letter, from Leonard Horner to Sir John Herschel, dated at 2 Bedford Place | 2 November 1846 |