
Authorised form of nameBarcroft; Sir; Joseph (1872 - 1947)
Dates1872 - 1947
Place of birthThe Glen, Newry, County Down
Date of birth26 July 1872
Place of deathCambridge
Date of death21/03/1947
Research fieldPhysiology
MA (Camb)
CBE 1918; Kt 1935
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election05/05/1910
RSActivityMedals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1922; Copley Medal 1943
Croonian 1935
RelationshipsMarried Mary Agnetta Ball, daughter of Sir Robert Stawell Ball (FRS 1873)
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society 1948-1949 vol 6 pp 315-345, plate, by F J W Roughton
DSB gives birth date as 23 July 1872.
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
EC/1910/01Barcroft, Sir Joseph: certificate of election to the Royal Society
NLB/64/697Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS4 June 1923
MDA/A/4/34Letter from Joseph Barcroft, Agricultural Research Council, to Henry Dale, President of the Royal Society20 January 1944
MDA/A/4/35Letter from Joseph Barcroft, Unit of Animal Physiology, Cambridge, to Joseph Barcroft18 January 1944
NLB/67/47Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, OM. President of the Royal Society9 October 1924
RR/21/67Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'Further observations on the changes in the breathing and the blood at various high altitudes' by Mabel Purefoy Fitzgerald[June 1914]
MS/603/1/55Letter from J [Joseph] Barcroft, 13 Grange Road, Cambridge, to [Joseph] Larmor10 November [post-1912]
NLB/44/201Copy letter from Joseph Larmor to [Joseph] Barcroft24 May 1911
NLB/44/388Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to J [Joseph] Barcroft FRS3 July 1911
NLB/48/753Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [Joseph] Barcroft, Fellow of the Royal Society7 October 1913
NLB/45/172Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to J [Joseph] Barcroft FRS10 January 1912
NLB/45/153Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to J [Joseph] Barcroft FRS8 January 1912
NLB/52/133Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to Joseph Barcroft FRS18 September 1915
NLB/60/292Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Joseph] Barcroft Esquire, FRS13 January 1921
RR/22/12Referee's report by Leonard Erskine Hill, on a paper 'Effects of functional activity in striated muscle and the submaxillary gland' by Joseph Barcroft and Toyojiro KatoSeptember 1915
RR/20/39Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'The changes in the breathing and the blood at various high altitudes' by M P FitzgeraldJanuary 1913
RR/32/84Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'On cytochrome, a respiratory pigment, common to animals, yeast, and higher plants' by David KeilinMay 1925
NLB/54/556Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Joseph Barcroft Esquire, FRS18 June 1917
NLB/53/196Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Joseph Barcroft Esq., FRS22 May 1916
RR/47/58Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'The oxygen affinity of chlorocruorin' by Harold Munro FoxJune 1932
NLB/62/888Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Joseph] Barcroft Esquire, FRS27 May 1922
RR/29/37Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'Observations on the adjustment of the human body to muscular work' by N W MacKeith, Marcus Seymour Pembrey, W R Spurrell, E C Warner and W J WestlakeJune 1923
RR/32/65Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'Muscular exercise, lactic acid, and the supply and utilisation of oxygen. Part IX. —Muscular activity and carbohydrate metabolism in the normal individual' by K FurusawaJanuary 1925
RR/34/13Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'The chemical nature of haemochromogen and its carbon monoxide compound' by R Hill[November 1926]
NLB/66/857Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS29 July 1924
NLB/60/294Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Joseph] Barcroft Esquire, FRS13 January 1921
NLB/57/63Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Joseph] Barcroft, FRS10 July 1919
RR/44/42Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'The relation between the pulmonary and bronchial vascular systems' by J L Berry and Ivan De Burgh DalySeptember 1931
RR/43/1Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'The functional activity of the vasomotor nerves to the lungs in the dog' by Ivan De Burgh Daly and V. Von EulerNovember 1931
RR/44/43Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'The bronchial vascular system in the dog' by J L Berry, J F Brailsford and Ivan De Burgh Daly1931
NLB/57/592Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to J [Joseph] Barcroft Esq. FRS12 December 1919
RR/50/126Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'Crystalline chlorocruorin' by Jean Roche and Harold Munro FoxOctober 1933
NLB/60/271Copy letter from [William Bate Hardy,] Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Joseph] Barcroft Esquire; FRS8 January 1921
NLB/55/711Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Joseph] Barcroft Esq., FRS31 July 1918
RR/22/13Referee's report by John Scott Haldane, on a paper 'Effects of functional activity in striated muscle and the submaxillary gland' by Joseph Barcroft and Toyojiro KatoSeptember 1915
RR/46/28Referee's report by Otto Rosenheim, on a paper 'Uteroverdin, the green pigment of the dog's placenta' by R Lemberg and Joseph Barcroft[January 1932]
NLB/57/2Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor F [Frederick] G [Gowland] Hopkins, FRS27 June 1919
RR/21/20Referee's report by Leonard Erskine Hill, on a paper 'Report of the monte rosa expedition of 1911' by Joseph Barcroft, M Camis, C G Mathison, Ff Roberts and J H Ryffel[January 1914]
RR/49/127Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'The blood circulation of animals possessing chlorocruorin' by Harold Munro Fox[January 1933]
RR/50/14Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'The effect of muscular contraction upon the blood flow in the skeletal muscle' by Gleb Anrep, A Blalock and Adli SamaanOctober 1933
NLB/64/109Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Joseph] Barcroft Esquire, FRS1 February 1923
NLB/61/560Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Joseph] Barcroft Esquire, FRS29 July 1921
RR/52/77Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'The oxygen to iron ratio of oxychlorocruorin and the total quantity of oxygen carried by the pigment in spirographis' by Harold Munro FoxApril 1934
NLB/61/522Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Under Secretary of State; Foreign Office18 July 1921
NLB/61/508Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Walter Durnford,] the Provost of King's College, Cambridge14 July 1921
RR/55/74Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'A comparison of the rate of metabolic activity in the solitary and migratory phases of Locusta migratoria' by Colin Gasking Butler and Jean M InnesNovember 1935
NLB/62/876Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Joseph] Barcroft Esquire, FRS24 May 1922
NLB/63/781Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to [Joseph] Barcroft Esq., C.B.E., FRS14 December 1922
NLB/62/789Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Joseph] Barcroft Esquire, FRS6 May 1922
NLB/63/523Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to The Keeper of H.M. Privy Purse02 November 1922
RR/67/149Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'On the function of chlorocruorin' by Rosalie F Ewer and Harold Munro FoxMarch 1940
NLB/62New Letter Book volume 62, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration11 November 1921-10 June 1922
NLB/57/152Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor FG [Frederick Gowland] Hopkins, FRS, Chairman of the Physiology Committee30 July 1919
RR/69/175Memoradum from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society on a paper 'The threshold of audition for short periods of stimulation' by J W Hughes to Joseph Barcroft 20 December 1945
NLB/63/565Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Joseph Barcroft, FRS04 November 1922
RR/69/202Memorandum from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'Experiments on the inactivation of bacteriophage by radiations, and their bearing on the nature of bacteriophage' by D E Lea and M H Salaman to Joseph Barcroft27 August 1945
RR/69/24Memorandum from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'The effect of heat-denaturation on the base-binding capacity of beef-muscle press-juice' by J R Bendall to Joseph BarcroftMay 1946
NLB/63/838Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Joseph] Barcroft Esq, FRS05 January 1923
RR/69/143Memorandum from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'The innervation and actions of the neurophypophysis; an investigation using the method of remote-control stimulation' by Geoffrey Wingfield Harris to Joseph Barcroft2 August 1945
NLB/64/864Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Joseph] Barcroft Esq. FRS4 July 1923
RR/50/15Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'The effect of muscular contraction upon the blood flow in the skeletal muscle, in the diaphragm and in the small intestine' by Gleb Anrep, S Cerqua and Adli SamaanOctober 1933
NLB/65/464Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS5 November 1923
NLB/65/300Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Joseph] Barcroft Esq., FRS8 October 1923
NLB/65/295Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS8 October 1923
NLB/65/264Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS1 October 1923
NLB/65/420Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Arthur Smith] Woodward, FRS; also sent to Professor [Godfrey Harold] Hardy; [Charles Thomson Rees] Wilson Esq.; [Joseph] Barcroft Esq; Dr [Frederick Frost] Blackman; Sir Frank [Watson] Dyson; [William] Bateson, Esq.; Professor [John Bretland] Farmer; Professor [Frederick Gowland] Hopkins30 October 1923
NLB/69/2Copy letter from Henry Hallett Dale, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Joseph] Barcroft, FRS10 December 1925
NLB/66/559Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Joseph] Barcroft, FRS30 May 1924
NLB/67/226Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Master of Caius [College, Cambridge]16 November 1924
NLB/67/168Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Joseph] Barcroft Esq., FRS7 November 1924
NLB/66/565Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. Julian Huxley30 May 1924
NLB/66/477Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Joseph] Barcroft Esq., FRS16 May 1924
NLB/68/217Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, FRS29 May 1925
NLB/69/79Copy letter from Henry Hallett Dale, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Joseph] Barcroft, FRS4 January 1926
NLB/68/148Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS20 May 1925
NLB/66/865Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS1 August 1924
NLB/67/19Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS1 October 1924
RR/64/81Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'Preparation of pure cytochrome c from heart muscle and some of its properties' by David Keilin and E F Hartree[February 1937]
NLB/69/188Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. Joseph Barcroft, C.B.E, FRS25 January 1926
NLB/73/21Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Joseph] Barcorft, C.B.E, FRS17October 1930
RR/28/75Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'Concerning the influence of atmospheric conditions upon the pulse rate and “oxygen debt” after running' by J Argyll Campbell[October 1923]
CMB/278/3Minutes, meeting of the Physiology and Medical Sciences Committee25 January 1945
NLB/42/433Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to J [Joseph] Barcroft, FRS [Fellow of the Royal Society]13 June 1910
RR/22/125Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'The effect of the depth of pulmonary ventilation on the oxygen in the venous blood of man' by J Frederick William Twort and Leonard Erskine HillFebruary 1915
RR/21/21Referee's report by John Scott Haldane, on a paper 'Report of the monte rosa expedition of 1911' by Joseph Barcroft, M Camis, C G Mathison, Ff Roberts and J H Ryffel[January 1914]
MS/603/1/56Letter from J [Joseph] Barcroft, 13 Grange Road, Cambridge, to [Joseph] Larmor10 March [no year]
RR/65/94Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'On the blood circulation and metabolism of sabellids' by Harold Munro FoxMay 1938
NLB/65/231Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [William] Bateson, Esq., FRS; also sent to Professor [Alfred] Fowler, Professor [Godfrey Harold] Hardy, Dr [Frederick Frost] Blackman, Professor [John Bretland] Farmer, Professor [Frederick Gowland] Hopkins, Dr [Arthur] Smith Woodward, Dr [Frank Watson] Dyson, [Charles Thomson Rees] Wilson Esq., [Joseph] Barcroft Esq.24 September 1923
NLB/69/926Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to W. Felolberg Esq., National Institute for Medical Research, Hampstead, NW319 November 1926
NLB/52New Letter Book volume 52, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration9 July 1915-8 March 1916
NLB/57New Letter Book volume 57, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration27 June 1919-27 February 1920
RR/30/11Referee's report by Archibald Vivian Hill, on a paper 'On the correlation between the spectra of various hæmoglobins and their relative affinities for oxygen and carbon monoxide' by M L Anson, Joseph Barcroft, A E Mirsky and S Oinuma[1924]
RR/71/150Letter from Francis John Worsley Roughton, regarding a series of papers by Archibald Vivian Hill, and an obituary for Joseph Barcroft5 November 1948
RR/19/38Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'Physiological observations made on Pike's Peak, Colorado, with special reference to adaptation to low barometric pressures' by Claude Gordon Douglas, John Scott Haldane, Yandell Henderson and Edward C Schneider[October 1912]
RR/45/36Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'Experimental researches on the emission of oxygen by the pelvic filaments of the male lepidosiren with some experiments on Symbranchus marmoratus' by J T Cunningham and D M Reid[October 1931]
RR/48/23Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'Estimation of haematin iron and the oxidation-reduction equivalent of cytochrome c' by Robert Hill and David Keilin[September 1933]
RR/54/100Referee's report by Joseph Barcroft, on a paper 'The secretory phenomena in the oviduct of the fowl, including the process of shell formation examined by the microincineration technique' by K C Richardson5 August 1934
MS/603/1/54Letter from Joseph Barcroft, Glenveagh, to [Joseph] Larmor3 February [no year]
MC/32/14Letter from Joseph Barcroft, Physiological Laboratory, Cambridge, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]16 June 1917
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