Authorised form of name | Privat de Molieres; Joseph (1677 - 1742) |
Other forms of name | Joseph Privat de |
Other forms of surname | Molieres |
Dates | 1677 - 1742 |
Nationality | French |
Place of birth | Tarascon, Bouches-du-Rhone, France |
Date of birth | 1677 |
Place of death | Paris, France |
Date of death | 12 May 1742 |
Occupation | Clergyman, Roman Catholic |
Research field | Physics |
Mathematics |
Activity | Education: Oratorian schools at Aix, Marseilles, Arles, Angers Career: Entered the Congregation of the Oratory, against the wishes of his parents; taught in Oratorian schools at Saumur, Juilly and Soissons; left to pursue his career in Paris (1704); Professor of Philosophy, College Royale (1723) Memberships: Academie Royale des Sciences (1721)
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 16/01/1729 |
Proposer | William Rutty |
Sir Hans Sloane |
John Gaspar Scheuchzer |
Relationships | Son of Charles Privat de Molieres and his wife, Martine Robins de Brabantane |
Source | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DSB |
Code | NA6691 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
LBO/19/101 | Copy letter from the Joseph Privat de Molieres, Paris, to William Rutty | 2 July 1728 |
CLP/22ii/71 | Paper, Account of Dr [Joseph Privat de] Molieres' 'Lecons de physique et de mathematique etc [Physical and mathematical lessons etc]' by John Hadley | 18th century |
CLP/22ii/25 | Paper, On 'Physical and mechanical explication of the percussion of elastic bodies' by Abbe de Molieres [Joseph Privat de Molières] | 18th century |
EL/M2/82 | Letter, from J[oseph Privat de] Molieres [to the Royal Society], dated at Paris | 2 July 1728 |
EL/M2/85 | Letter, from J[oseph Private] de Molieres to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 20 April 1734 |
EL/M2/86 | Translation of a letter, from J[oseph Private] de Molieres to Hans Sloane, dated at Paris | 1736 |
EL/M2/84 | Letter, from J[oseph Privat] de Molieres to William Rutty, dated at Paris | 1729 |
EL/M2/83 | Letter, from J[oseph Privat] de Molieres to William Rutty, dated at Paris | 1 March 1729 |