RefNo | Title | Date |
L&P/2/327 | Letter, 'On the repetition of Frankin's Philadelphia experiment at St Germain' from Guillaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales | 12 July 1752 |
L&P/3/140 | Paper, 'Of Count de la Garaye's styptic for stopping bleeding in amputations' by Guilliaume Mazeas | 1756 |
L&P/2/416 | Paper, 'Observations sur l'art de conserver les ouvrages de peinture qui menacent ruine' [English translation] by Guilleaume Mazeas | 1753 |
L&P/2/291 | Letter, 'Sur les coleurs engendres par le frottement des surfaces planes et transparentes [On the colors caused by the friction of flat and transparent surfaces]' from Guileaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales | 1 September 1751 |
L&P/3/170 | Letter, 'Count de Caylus's revival of wax painting' from Guillaume Mazeas to the Royal Society [English translation] | 17 November 1755 |
L&P/2/326 | Letter, 'On the repetition of Frankin's Philadelphia experiment at St Germain' from Guillaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales | 29 June 1752 |
L&P/2/546 | Letter, 'On toxicodendron' from Guilleaum Mazeas to Stephen Hales | 16 August 1754 |
L&P/2/342 | Paper, 'Of conducting atmospheric electricity by un fil de fer' by Guilleaume Mazeas | 1752 |
L&P/2/324 | Letter, 'On the repetition of Frankin's Philadelphia experiment at St Germain' from Guillaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales | 20 May 1752 |
L&P/2/582 | Letter, 'Upon a new Lampyris, a shining insect' from Guilleaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales | 27 September 1754 |
L&P/2/325 | Letter, 'On the repetition of Frankin's Philadelphia experiment at St Germain' from Guillaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales | 14 June 1752 |
EC/1752/06 | Mazeas, Guillaume: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
L&P/2/328 | Letter, 'On the repetition of Frankin's Philadelphia experiment at St Germain' from Guillaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales | 29 August 1752 |
L&P/2/414 | Letter, 'Observations sur l'art de conserver les ouvrages de peinture qui menacent ruine [Observations on the art of preserving painting works that threaten ruin]' from Guilleaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales | 1753 |
L&P/2/329 | Letter, 'On the repetition of Frankin's Philadelphia experiment at St Germain [English translation]' from Guillaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales | 20 May 1752 |
L&P/2/464 | Letter, 'Experiments on atmospheric electricty' from Guilleaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales | 2 October 1753 |
L&P/3/166 | Letter, 'A newsletter from Paris dated 17 November 1755. Refers to comte de Caylus's method of painting in wax; deplores coming war' from Guillaume Mazeas to the Royal Society [French original] | 17 November 1755 |