
Authorised form of nameHardy; Sir; Alister Clavering (1896 - 1985)
Dates1896 - 1985
Date of birth10 February 1896
Date of death22/05/1985
Research fieldOceanography
Oundle School; DSc (Oxon).
Linacre Professor of Zoology, Oxford University (1945-1961); Professor of Zoology and Oceanograghy, University College, Hull; founder of the Religious Experience Research Unit, Manchester College, Oxford (1969)
Kt 1957
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election14/03/1940
RSActivityRoyal Society roles:
VP 1948-1949
NCUACS 5/4/88. Papers deposited in Bodleian Library, Oxford
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1986 vol 32 pp 221-273, plate, by N B Marshall
G E Fogg, 'The Royal Society and the Antarctic' in NR 2000 vol 54 pp 85-98
Archives associated with this Fellow
GLB/52/10Brown to Alister HardyApril 1968
GLB/19/1/41Sir Alister Hardy, Department of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, Oxford to Brown3 February 1960
IM/GA/WRS/9546Hardy, Sir Alister Claveringnd
IM/001941Hardy, Sir Alister Claveringcirca 1981
NLB/73/297Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Alister Clavering] Hardy, University College, Hull8 May 1931
IM/000115Antarctic Expedition 1937nd
IM/GA/WS/3329Hardy, Sir Alister Claveringnd
EC/1940/10Hardy, Sir Alister Clavering: certificate of election to the Royal Society
MS/903Correspondence between Dr Richard B McConnell and Sir Alister Hardy FRS1966 - 1973
RR/78/6Referee's report by Alister Clavering Hardy, on a paper 'A primitive dipnoan fish from the Lower Devonian of Germany' by W Lehmann and Thomas Stanley Westoll25 March 1952
RR/74/36Referee's report by Alister Clavering Hardy, on a paper 'The migration of the desert locust. II. A theory of long-range migrations' by John Stodart Kennedy13 July 1950
RR/74/34Referee's report by Alister Clavering Hardy, on a paper 'The migration of the desert locust. (Schistocerca gregaria Forsk.). I. The behaviour of swarms' by John Stodart Kennedy13 July 1950
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