
Authorised form of namePeacock; George (1791 - 1858)
Dates1791 - 1858
Place of birthThornton Hall, Denton, County Durham, England
Date of birth09 April 1791
Place of deathEly, Cambridgeshire
Date of death08 November 1858
Ely cemetery, Cambridgeshire
Research fieldMathematics
Trinity College, Cambridge. BA (1813, 2nd Wrangler and 2nd Smith's prizeman), MA (1816)
Second in his year to J F W Herschel (FRS 1813); Lecturer on Mathematics, Trinity College, Cambridge (1815); Loudean Professor of Astronomy (1836); Dean of Ely (1839-1858); published a memoir of Thomas Young (FRS 1794)
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election29/01/1818
RSActivityRoyal Society roles:
VP 1834-1835, 1840-1841, 1845-1846, 1851-1852, 1856-1857
RelationshipsSon of Thomas Peacock perpetual curate of Denton; married (1847) Frances Elizabeth, daughter of William Selwyn; her brother was William Selwyn (FRS 1866); no children
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
Proc Roy Soc 1857-1859 vol 9 pp 536-543
M V Wilkes, 'Herschel, Peacock, Babbage and the Development of the Cambridge Curriculum' in NR 1990 vol 44 pp 205-219
M V Wilkes, 'Charles Babbage and his world' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 353-365
DSB is source of death place.
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
MM/22/23Letter from George Peacock, Deanery, Ely, to [John Dunn Gardner]26 September 1848
MM/22/26Letter from George Peacock, Deanery, Ely, to [John Dunn Gardner]12 September 1853
MM/22/27Letter from George Peacock, Deanery, Ely, to [John Dunn Gardner]14 October 1853
IM/003463Peacock, Georgend
MS/426/128Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Very Rev. Dean of Ely [George Peacock]10 April 1845
RR/2/209Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'On the theory of definite integrals' by William Henry Leighton Russell28 February 1855
RR/1/168Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'Analysis of the roots of equations' by Robert Murphy[1837]
RR/1bis/48Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'On factorial expressions and the summation of hydraic series' by Tate29 April 1843
RR/1/178Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'Démonstration complète du théorème dit de fermat: par François Paulet, de Genève, ancien élève de l’e'cole polytechnique' by M Paulet[c.1830]
RR/1bis/8Referee's report by George Peacock, on an untraced paper on dynamical researches by Bellnd [1844]
RR/3/8Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'On the construction of the new national standard of length & its principal copies' by George Biddell Airy2 July 1857
RR/1bis/51Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'A new method of solving numerical equations' by Thomas Weddle10 June 1841
RR/1bis/43Third referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'Investigation of a new and simple series, by which the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference may easily be computed to any required degree of accuracy' by William Rutherford19 November 1841
RR/1bis/53Second referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'On the curvature of surfaces' by John R Young[1839]
RR/2/3Letter by George Peacock, accompanying his report on a paper 'On the eclipses of Agathocles, Thales and Xerxes' by George Biddell Airy10 February 1853
RR/1/177Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'Démonstration de l’égalité à deux droits de la somme des angles d’un triangle quelconque, indépendamment de la théorie des parallèles, et de la considération de l’infini' by M Paulet[c.1830]
MS/426/153Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Dean of Ely [George Peacock]31 October 1845
MS/426/6Copy letter from Lord Northampton [Spencer Joshua Alwyne Compton] President of the Royal Society; to the Right Honourable, the Chancellor of the Exchequer [Francis Thornhill Baring]11 January 1841
RR/1/238Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'Researches in the integral calculus - Part II' by H F Talbot[c.1837]
MS/426/161Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Dean of Ely [George Peacock]21 November 1845
MS/426/8Copy letter from J W [John William] Lubbock, Treasurer of the Royal Society; to the Dean of Ely [George Peacock], Secretary, Ely1 February 1841
MS/426/264Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Dean of Ely [George Peacock]11 March 1847
MS/426/71Copy letter from [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Right Rev. Dean of Ely [George Peacock], FRS2 February 1843
RR/1/167Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'First memoir on the theory of analytical operations' by Robert Murphy8 February 1837
MS/426/7Copy letter from Lord Northampton [Spencer Joshua Alwyne Compton] President of the Royal Society; to the Right Honourable, the Master General of the Ordnance [Richard Hussey Vivian?]11 January 1841
MM/10/168Report from the British Association about applying to the Government for funds for printing Lalande's 'Histoire Celeste'12 January 1843
MM/22/22Letter from J Wailes to George Peacock22 September 1848
MM/22/24Letter from George Peacock, Deanery, Ely, to [John Dunn Gardner]13 March 1852
RR/3/3Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'Discussion of the observed deviations of the compass in several ships, wood-built and iron-built: with a general Table for facilitating the examination of compass-deviations' by George Biddell Airy1855
EC/1817/20Peacock, George: certificate of election to the Royal Society
P/0099Portrait of Peacock, George
RR/1/153Referee's report by William Whewell, George Peacock and Henry Coddington, on a paper 'Researches in physical astronomy' by John William Lubbock3 May 1832
RR/1bis/5Letter from George Peacock, to Samuel Hunter Christie, regarding a paper 'On the resolution of numerical equations' by Joseph Agar11 May 1845
MC/2Volume 2 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1832-1838
RR/2/178Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'Researches in symbolical physics. On the translation of a directed magnitude as symbolised by a product. The principles of statics established symbolically' by Matthew O'Brien30 January 1852
RR/2/181Third referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'Researches in symbolical physics. On the translation of a directed magnitude as symbolised by a product. The principles of statics established symbolically' by Matthew O'Brien[1852]
RR/2/180Second referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'Researches in symbolical physics. On the translation of a directed magnitude as symbolised by a product. The principles of statics established symbolically' by Matthew O'Brien28 April 1852
MC/2/147Letter from George Peacock, Trinity College Cambridge, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society26 November 1834
MC/2/196Letter from Dr. Peter Mark Roget, [Secretary of the Royal Society], to Francis Baily, [Treasurer of the Royal Society]3 March 1836
RR/3/239Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'On the lunar-diurnal magnetic variation at Toronto' by Edward Sabine8 July 1856
MC/3Volume 3 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1839-1843
RR/1bis/41Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'Investigation of a new and simple series, by which the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference may easily be computed to any required degree of accuracy' by William Rutherford8 June 1841
MC/3/182Letter from George Peacock, Deanery, Ely, to Major Edward Sabine 5 January 1841
MC/4/71Letter from George Biddell Airy, Royal Observatory Greenwich, to [George] Peacock, Dean of Ely and Chairman of the Committee of Physics at the Royal Society7 May 1845
MC/4Volume 4 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1844-1850
MS/426/474Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles Young1 November 1852
MC/6/95Letter from C [Charles] Jasper Selwyn, Richmond, Surrey, to the Secretary of the Royal Society15 June 1860
MS/426/696Copy letter from W [William] Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society; to C Jasper Selwyn Esq25 June 1860
MC/6Volume 6 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1859-1863
RR/1bis/52Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'On the curvature of surfaces' by John R Young2 March 1839
RR/1bis/10Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'On the rectification and quadrature of the spherical ellipse' by James Booth1 October 1842
RR/1/57Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'A comparison of the first and second edition of the Commercium Epistolicum D Johannis Collins at aliorum de anaysi promta' by Augustus De Morgan16 October 1847
RR/1bis/42Second referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'Investigation of a new and simple series, by which the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference may easily be computed to any required degree of accuracy' by William Rutherford10 November 1841
RR/1/1Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'The variation of a triple integral' by Richard Abbott[1832]
RR/2/188Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'On the extension of the principle of Fermat’s theorem of the polygonal numbers to the higher orders of series whose ultimate differences are constant. With a new theorem proposed, applicable to all the orders' by Jonathan Frederick Pollock8 April 1850
RR/1bis/6Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'On the resolution of numerical equations' by Joseph Agar15 May 1845
RR/2/4Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'On the eclipses of Agathocles, Thales and Xerxes' by George Biddell Airy1853
RR/2/41Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'Analytical researches connected with Steiner’s extension of Malfatti’s problem' by Arthur Cayley21 June 1852
RR/3/237Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'On periodical laws discoverable in the mean effects of the larger magnetic disturbances.—No. III' by Edward Sabine22 April 1856
RR/3/243Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'On the evidence of the existence of the decennial inequality in the solar-diurnal magnetic variations, and its non-existence in the lunar-diurnal variation, of the declination at Hobarton' by Edward Sabine24 December 1857
RR/3/244Referee's report by George Peacock, on a paper 'On hourly observations of the magnetic declination made by Captain Rochfort Maguire, R. N., and the officers of H. M. S. ‘Plover,' in 1852, 1853 and 1854, at Point Barrow, on the shores of the polar sea' by Edward Sabine4 November 1857
HS/13/311Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschelundated
HS/13/278Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge29 November 1821
HS/13/274Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Heckfield near Reading20 December 1820
HS/13/285Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge19 March 1823
HS/13/310Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Deanery, Ely7 December 1857
HS/13/315Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bedgeburyundated
HS/13/313Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Deanery, Elyundated
HS/13/300Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Downing College, Cambridge18 June 1845
HS/13/301Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bolton Percy, York25 July 1846
HS/13/283Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge16 November 1822
HS/13/299Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Deanery, Ely13 June 1845
HS/13/302Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Oxford28 June 1847
HS/13/309Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Deanery, Ely26 May 1857
HS/13/281Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge31 January 1822
HS/13/245Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Ferrara6 August 1816
HS/13/268Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge3 April 1820
HS/13/298Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Deanery, Ely23 May 1845
HS/13/296Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Deanery, Ely9 May 1845
HS/13/280Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge.2 December 1821
HS/13/286Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge23 March 1824
HS/13/276Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge7 June 1821
HS/13/282Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge17 March 1822
HS/13/264Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge8 August 1819
HS/13/306Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Peacock, dated at Collingwood17 April 1855
HS/13/273Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Cambridge1 December 1820
HS/13/317Copy letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Athenaeumundated
HS/13/279Letter, from George Peacock to [Charles] Babbage, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge30 November 1821
HS/13/314Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at [Ingasy], Devonundated
HS/13/275Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge14 May 1821
HS/13/294Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Deanery, Ely25 March 1842
HS/13/267Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge17 February 1820
HS/13/306aDraft letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Peacock, dated at LondonMay 1854
HS/13/307Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Deanery, Ely24 January 1857
HS/13/284Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Heckfield Place near Hertford Bridge31 December 1822
HS/13/305Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Athenaeum8 December 1852
HS/13/256Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge10 December 1817
HS/13/312Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herscheln.d.
HS/13/297Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Deanery, Ely10 May 1845
HS/13/292Letter, from George Peacock to Margaret Brodie Herschel, dated at [Athenaeum]19 June 1838
HS/13/248Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge4 March 1817
HS/13/251Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, CambridgeJune 1817
HS/13/260Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge4 May 1818
HS/13/295Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bishopthorpe, York30 September 1844
HS/13/265Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge5 December 1819
HS/13/304Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Deanery, Ely4 December 1852
HS/13/257Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge18 February 1818
HS/13/272Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge2 December 1820
HS/13/287Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge30 December 1827
HS/13/269Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge6 May 1820
HS/13/252Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge2 June 1817
HS/13/293Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Deanery, Ely5 January 1841
HS/13/246Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel14 November 1816
HS/13/288Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge6 March 1828
HS/13/308Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at 4 Grand Parade, St. Leonards-on-Sea16 April 1857
HS/13/277Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge12 November 1821
HS/13/316Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at 9 [Carlisle] Parade, Hastingsundated
HS/13/261Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge14 May 1818
HS/13/270Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Observatory Committee Room17 May 1820
HS/13/263Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge3 January 1819
HS/13/271Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge16 November 1820
HS/13/259Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge1 April 1818
HS/13/262Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Imperial Hotel, Covent Garden3 June 1818
HS/13/266Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at London29 December 1819
HS/13/289Letter, from George Peacock to Margaret Brodie Herschel, dated at 1 Dorset St.19 June 1838
HS/19/32Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Peacock, dated at 9 Downing St.11 September 1822
HS/23/125Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Peacock, dated at 32 Harley St.30 October 1852
HS/13/253Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge7 August 1817
HS/13/255Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge3 December 1817
HS/13/291Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Athenaeum20 June 1838
HS/13/258Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge7 March 1818
HS/13/247Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge3 December 1816
HS/13/249Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge17 March 1817
HS/13/250Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge30 May 1817
HS/13/254Letter, from George Peacock to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trinity College, Cambridge15 November 1817
HS/13/303Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Peacock, dated at Collingwood30 June 1847
HS/13/290Letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Peacock, dated at Hanover Terrace21 June 1838
HS/21/251Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Peacock19 June 1838
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