Authorised form of name | Ferguson; Robert (1769 - 1840) |
Dates | 1769 - 1840 |
Date of birth | 8 September 1769 |
Place of death | His house, Portman Square, London |
Date of death | 03 December 1840 |
Activity | Career: MP for Fife (1806); MP for Kirkcaldy district of boroughs (1831); MP for Haddingtonshire (1835-1837); defeated (1837) and returned to represent Kirkcaldy;a staunch Whig
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 07/03/1805 |
Relationships | Son of William Ferguson and his wife Jane, daughter of Ronald Crauford and sister of Margaret, Countess of Dumfries |
Source | Sources: Bulloch's Roll Notes: Original death date in BR (Dec 1841) has been altered. |
Code | NA7425 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1804/18 | Ferguson, Robert: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
IM/001393 | Ferguson, Robert | nd |