RefNo | Title | Date |
L&P/1/416 | Letter, 'Electrical experiments' from William Watson to the Royal Society | 1745 |
AB/1/2/1/132 | Letter to James West from William Watson | 15 October 1768 |
L&P/3/346 | Paper, 'Of the poisonous effects of hemlock dropwort (Oenanthe)' by William Watson | 1758 |
L&P/1/347 | Letter, 'Of a calculus' from William Watson to Francis Wollaston | 1745 |
MM/4/84 | Letter from Henry Cavendish, William Watson, Benjamin Franklin and J Robertson, to the Royal Society | 18 November 1773 |
MM/11/41 | Notes from the minutes of meetings of the Purfleet Magazine Committee | 1772 |
IM/004816 | Watson, Sir William | nd |
L&P/2/547 | Letter, 'On platina' from J Brownrigg to William Watson | 4 December 1754 |
L&P/1/410 | Letter, 'Further observations concerning electricity' from William Watson to the Royal Society | 4 July 1745 |
L&P/8/122/1 | Letter, 'Of diving' from Anthony Forthergill to William Watson | 12 November 1784 |
L&P/3/329 | Letter, 'Of a contivance for the easy reading of languages' from Peter Lanthoine to William Watson | 13 June 1758 |
L&P/2/242 | Letter, 'An account of the cinnamon tree' from William Watson to the Royal Society | 21 November 1751 |
L&P/7/49 | Paper, 'An account of the blue shark' by William Watson | 1778 |
MS/391/158 | Power of deputy, issued by Sir John Pringle, President of the Royal Society, to William Watson | 30 December 1773 |
L&P/4/315 | Letter, 'Of the poisoning of a family by eating roots mistaken for parsnips' from J Wilmer to William Watson | 4 April 1766 |
L&P/1/378 | Letter, 'Electrical experiments' from William Watson to Martin Folkes | 27 March 1745 |
L&P/5/135 | Letter, 'Of an oil sent from North Carolina by George Brownrigg' from William Watson to the Royal Society | 1769 |
L&P/2/268 | Letter, 'Of phenomena of electricty in vacuo' by William Watson | 1752 |
L&P/1/480 | Paper, 'A sequel to experiments and observations tending to illustrate the nature & properties of electricity' by William Watson | 1746 |
L&P/2/222 | Letter, 'Account of the Bishop of London's garden at Fulham, originally planted by Dr Henry Compton' from William Watson to the Royal Society | 27 June 1751 |
L&P/2/2 | Paper, 'The effects of small-pox on the foetus in utero' by William Watson | 1749 |
L&P/2/300 | Paper, 'On corals' by William Watson | 1752 |
L&P/2/14 | Paper, 'On Benjamin Franklin's electrical experiments' by William Watson | 1749 |
L&P/2/221 | Paper, 'The liquefaction of the blood of Januarius exactly imitated by a chemical preparation in a phial in half an hour; this was placed in front of the P.R.S [President of the Royal Society] at the meeting in a cool room' by William Watson | 1751 |
L&P/1/472 | Letter, 'On the production of salts' from Richard Brocklesby to William Watson | 1746 |
L&P/2/35 | Letter, 'Concerning electricity' from Louis Elizabeth de la Vergne, Count of Tresson to William Watson | 1749 |
L&P/1/384 | Letter, 'Of firing alcohol by electricity' from William Watson to the Royal Society | 25 April 1745 |
L&P/2/569 | Paper, 'Of the syptic agaric' by William Watson | 1 February 1755 |
L&P/3/328 | Letter, 'Of an abdominal tumour' from John Huxham to William Watson | 26 March 1758 |
L&P/7/49/2 | Plate, 'Blue shark with scale' by William Watson | 1778 |
L&P/2/284 | Paper, 'Of amphyllon and Denataria heptaphylla' by William Watson | 1752 |
L&P/2/553 | Paper, 'Effects of lightning at Plymouth' from John Huxham to William Watson | 1754 |
L&P/2/430 | Paper, 'Thermometric observations at Solekamsky [Solikamsk] by Gregorii Demidoff' by W. Watson' | 1753 |
L&P/2/465 | Paper, 'Remarks on W. Watson's account of Nollet's letters concerning electricity' by Thomas Birch | 1753 |
L&P/3/366 | Letter, 'A monstrous lamb without a mouth' from John Hawkeens to William Watson | 10 March 1759 |
L&P/2/313 | Letter, 'Concerning vegetable balls from a lake' from William Dixon to William Watson | 1 June 1752 |
L&P/4/21 | Letter, 'Of dislocations' from John Huxham to William Watson | 11 May 1760 |
L&P/3/23 | Letter, 'Of the causes of capillarity' from Etienne Francois Dutour to William Watson | 21 January 1755 |
L&P/2/177 | Letter, 'Of 113 plants in a hortus siccus made in the Caribbee islands' from William Watson to the Royal Society | 15 November 1750 |
L&P/2/419 | Paper, 'An account of Balthasar Sprenger's book 'Opuscula psysico-mathematica'' by William Watson | 1753 |
L&P/3/163 | Paper, 'Report of ashes from a haystack - a kind of potash' by William Watson | 14 March 1756 |
L&P/3/202 | Letter, 'A case of leprosy from birth' from William Oliver to William Watson | 16 November 1756 |
L&P/2/510 | Paper, 'Of the sex of holly; with a note from W. Watson in confirmation' by John Martyn | 26 July 1754 |
L&P/2/554 | Letter, 'Of de Mairan's book' from William Brownrigg to William Watson | 3 January 1755 |
L&P/2/532 | Letter, 'Effects of electrical treatment in Shrewsbury hospital' from Cheney Hart to William Watson | 5 November 1754 |
L&P/5/173 | Letter, 'Of the manna tree and the tarantula' from Domenico Cirillo to William Watson | 7 February 1770 |
L&P/2/579 | Letter, 'Some account of an extraordinary crop of barley at Saragosain Spain' from William Watson to the Royal Society | 13 February 1755 |
L&P/3/316 | Letter, 'Of mines and minerals' from Nicolas de Himsel to William Watson | 20 September 1757 |
L&P/3/16 | Letter, 'On the power of pointed bodies in electricity' from Etienne Francois Dutour to William Watson | 10 September 1754 |
L&P/4/409 | Letter, 'Of Pompey's pillar in Egypt' from Edward Wortley Montagu to William Watson | 10 October 1767 |
L&P/5/44 | Letter, 'Of Mr Miller's experiments on sowing wheat' from William Watson to the Royal Society | 4 October 1768 |
L&P/4/106 | Letter, 'Three surgical cases' from John Huxham to William Watson | 5 February 1762 |
L&P/4/383 | Letter, 'Of the heat of Bath-waters' from John Howard to William Watson | 1767 |
L&P/4/307 | Letter, 'A remarkable emphysema' from John Huxham to William Watson | 1766 |
L&P/4/326 | Letter, 'The poisonous root named no. 315 not Cicuta but Hyoscyamus niger' from J Wilmer to William Watson | 11 March 1766 |
L&P/5/82 | Letter, 'A high tide and bore on 21 January' from John Huxham to William Watson | 1769 |
L&P/5/83 | Letter, 'Of a death from lightning' from J Hinchcliffe to William Watson | 18 August 1768 |
L&P/5/72 | Letter, 'On trees supposed to be indigenous to Great Britain (Oak, chestnut)' from Daines Barrington to William Watson | 2 January 1769 |
L&P/5/224 | Letter, 'On chestnut trees' from Andrew Coltee Ducarel to William Watson | 25 January 1771 |
L&P/6/45 | Letter, 'Of the death of certain lime trees' from Daines Barrington to William Watson | 25 December 1773 |
L&P/7/49/1 | Paper, 'An account of the blue shark' by William Watson | 1778 |
L&P/8/132 | Letter, 'Cases treated by electricity' from J Lane to William Watson | 4 January 1785 |
L&P/7/252 | Letter, 'Of William Herschel's lenses' from William Watson to unknown recipient | 26 March 1782 |
L&P/7/71 | Letter, 'Explosion at Mr Grave's house near Tralee, County Kerry' from Thomas Ryves to William Watson | 21 November 1778 |
L&P/8/122/2 | Letter, 'Of diving' from Anthony Fothergill to William Watson | 12 November 1784 |
L&P/2/207 | Paper, 'On the plant (used in no. 206) being really hyocyanus niger' by William Watson | 1751 |
L&P/1/326 | Letter, 'Report on Mr Lowndes salt' from William Watson to the Royal Society | 6 December 1744 |
L&P/2/107 | Letter, 'Further experiments of the platina' from William Brownrigg to William Watson | 13 February 1750 |
L&P/1/288 | Paper, 'Dutch soldiers poisoned by boil'd Hemlock' by William Watson | 9 May 1744 |
L&P/1/294 | Letter, 'Observations on mushrooms' from William Watson to the Royal Society | 2 May 1744 |
L&P/2/335 | Letter, 'Of extracting electricity from the atmosphere' from Jean Antoine Nollet to William Watson | 22 July 1752 |
L&P/3/287 | Letter, 'Of the effects of the hot weather in July 1757' from John Huxham to William Watson | 28 January 1758 |
P/0139 | Portrait of Watson, Sir William | |
L&P/1/337 | Paper, 'Of a undescribed kind of fungus-geaster' by William Watson | 1744 |
L&P/2/442 | Paper, 'An account of Philip Friedrich Gmelin's book 'Flora Sibirica'' by William Watson | 1753 |
L&P/2/534 | Letter, 'Of a large calculus found in a mare' from William Watson to Charles Gray | 26 July 1754 |
L&P/3/141 | Letter, 'A paralytic arm cured by electricity' from Cheney Hart to William Watson | 20 March 1756 |
L&P/4/309 | Letter, 'A journey from Cairo to the written mountains' from Edward Wortley Montagu to William Watson | 1766 |
L&P/1/76 | Letter, 'Some observations on Mr Sutton's invention to extract the foul air from the well and other parts of ships' from William Watson to Martin Folkes | 4 December 1741 |
L&P/7/236/2 | Plate, 'Lamp-micrometer' by W Watson | 1782 |
L&P/2/307 | Letter, 'Of electricity from the clouds, anent the experiments of Franklin' from Jean Antoine Nollet to William Watson | 6 June 1752 |
L&P/4/410 | Letter, 'Meteorological observations at Plymouth and of intense cold there during the winter' from William Watson and John Huxham | 1767 |
L&P/3/270 | Letter, 'Of the efficiency of the Bark in a mortification' from Richard Grindall to William Watson | 7 December 1757 |
L&P/3/102 | Letter, 'Of the case of a man who died after swallowing molten lead at the Eddystone fire' from John Huxham to William Watson | 31 January 1756 |
EC/1741/02 | Watson, Sir William: certificate of election to the Royal Society | 9 April 1741 |
L&P/2/212 | Paper, 'Account of Benjamin Franklin's book, Experiments and Observations on Electricity' by William Watson | 1751 |
AP/5/9 | Unpublished letter and paper, on medical electricity by John Birch | January 1787 |
AP/5/9/2 | Unpublished letter, on medical electricity from John Birch to Sir William Watson | January 1787 |
AP/5/9/1 | Unpublished manuscript, on medical electricity by John Birch | January 1787 |
L&P/2/149 | Letter, 'Of ash-manna gathered near Naples' from Robert More to William Watson | 1750 |
L&P/2/341 | Letter, 'Of the electricity from clouds' from William Watson to the Royal Society | 20 December 1752 |
L&P/2/344 | Letter, 'On a successful inoculation at Salisbury' from Brown to William Watson | 1752 |
L&P/4/357 | Paper, 'Of three substances mentioned by Arabic physicians - tabasheer, maimaraan, mamithsa' from John Channing to William Watson | 24 October 1766 |
L&P/3/173 | Letter, 'The agitation of the sea at Antigua on Nov 1, as reported by Capt. Affleck R.N.' from Charles Gray to William Watson | 26 May 1756 |
L&P/4/226 | Letter, 'Of protection from lightning' from William Watson to George Parker | 26 June 1764 |
L&P/5/92 | Letter, 'Of a plant lately discovered in the Isle of Skye' from John Hope to William Watson | 10 April 1769 |
L&P/5/325 | Letter, 'On the early cultivation of botany in England, with some particulars of John Tradescant' from Andrew Coltee Ducarel to William Watson | 2 November 1772 |
L&P/2/197 | Paper, 'Of the sex of plants' by William Watson | 20 February 1751 |
L&P/2/538 | Paper, 'Determination of the species of agaric lately used as a syptic' by William Watson | 1754 |
L&P/5/106 | Paper, 'Report on preserving St Paul's Cathedral from the effects of lightning' by the Royal Society Committee | 7 June 1769 |
L&P/3/200 | Paper, 'Account of Gottlob Carl Springsfeld's Latin treatise sent to the Royal Society on dissolving calculi in the bladder; Carldbad water' by William Watson | 1756 |
L&P/2/218 | Paper, 'Criticism of Winkler's paper above [L&P/2/217]' by William Watson | 1751 |
L&P/1/159 | Paper, 'An account of Enumeratio methodica stirprum Helvetiae indigenarum by Albert Haller' by William Watson | 1742 |
L&P/3/55 | Letter, 'Agitation of waters at Devon and Cornwall on Nov 1' from John Huxham to William Watson | 23 November 1755 |
L&P/3/275 | Letter, 'Heat of the air in July 1757' from John Huxham to William Watson | 19 July 1757 |
L&P/4/35 | Letter, 'Translated extracts of a letter on the parallax of the Moon' from Nicolas Louis de La Caille to William Watson | 1760 |
L&P/4/137 | Letter, 'Of electricity in tetanus' from William Watson to the Royal Society | 9 February 1763 |
L&P/5/282 | Letter, 'On roots used by the Indians near Hudsons Bay to dye porcupine quilla' from Johann Reinhold Forster to William Watson | 10 January 1772 |
L&P/5/314 | Letter, 'Of the medical effects of a poisonous plant' from Richard Pulteney to William Watson | 12 March 1772 |
L&P/7/184 | Letter, 'Astronomical observations on the rotations of planets about their axes, in connection with the diurnal motion of the earth' from William Herschel to William Watson | 18 October 1780 |
L&P/1/229 | Letter, 'About Mr Pickering's paper on the seeds of mushrooms' from William Watson to the Royal Society | 17 November 1743 |
L&P/2/274 | Letter, 'Recueil des experiences faites a Venise sur la medicine electrique [List of experiences made in Venice on electric medicine] from Francisco Bianchini' to the Royal Society, by William Watson | 1752 |