Authorised form of name | Hanson; Emmeline Jean (1919 - 1973); biophysicist and zoologist |
Dates | 1919 - 1973 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Newhall, Derbyshire, England |
Date of birth | 14 November 1919 |
Place of death | Her home, 50 Southwood Park, Southwood Lawn Road, London, England |
Date of death | 10 August 1973 |
Occupation | Biophysicist and zoologist |
Research field | Zoology |
Biophysics |
Musculature |
Activity | Education: High School for Girls, Burton-upon-Trent (1930-1938); Bedford College, London (1941, Zoology); Kings College, London Career: Research work on vascular system of annelids; Bedford College evacuated to Cambridge (World War 2); Demonstrator in Zoology, Bedford College, London (1944-1948); Founder-member of the Biophysics Research Unit, King's College London (set up by the Medical research Council); developed her interest in muscle (from 1948); Biology Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (1953-1954) where she collaborated with Hugh Esmor Huxley; returned to Biophysics Research Unit (1954); Professor of Biology, University of London (1966); Director, Muscle Biophysics Unit, King's College, London (1970); contracted a rare brain infection and died within hours. |
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 16/03/1967 |
Age at election | 47 |
Proposer | Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins |
Alan Lloyd Hodgkin |
Peter Brian Medawar |
Hugh Esmor Huxley |
Vincent Brian Wigglesworth |
John William Sutton Pringle |
Honor Bridget Fell |
John Zachary Young |
James Eric Smith |
Harold Munro Fox |
John Turton Randall |
Relationships | Parents: Thomas Hanson and Emma Jane Badger, daughter of Superintendent of Police, Derbyshire, both school teachers. |
PublishedWorks | RCN R79318 RCN R79319 RCN R79320 RCN R79312 RCN R79314 RCN R79315 |
OtherInfo | Distinguished for her work on the structure of muscles in relation to the mechanism of contraction (sliding filament theory) and studies of polychaete annelids, especially of their blood circulatory systems. |
Royal Society Obituary or Memoir | Click to view (may be contained within a meeting notice, presidential address or list of death notices) |
Image | 
Source | Sources: DNB AssocMaterial: CSAC 51/5/77. Papers deposited in King's College Library, London Obituaries: Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1975 vol 21 pp 313-344, plate, by Sir John Randall |
Virtual International Authority File | |
Code | NA7780 |