Authorised form of name | Edwards; George (1694 - 1773) |
Dates | 1694 - 1773 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Stratford, Essex, England |
Date of birth | 03 April 1694 |
Date of death | 23 July 1773 |
DatesAndPlaces | Burial: West Ham churchyard, London |
Research field | Natural history |
Activity | Education: By Mr Hewitt, clergyman of Leystonstone Career: Apprenticed in Fenchurch Street, London; travelled to Holland, Norway where he was suspected of being a spy (1718), and France (1719-1720); drew and sold colour pictures of animals; James Theobald (FRS 1725) was his patron; Sir Hans Sloane (FRS 1685) recommended his appointment as Librarian, Royal College of Physicians (1733); published 'History of birds' (1743-1764); died of cancer Memberships: FSA (1752)
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 10/11/1757 |
RSActivity | Medals and prizes: Copley Medal 1750 |
Source | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DNB References: John H Appleby, 'James Theobald, FRS (1688-1759), Merchant and Natural Historian' in NR 1996 vol 50 pp 179-189 David E Allen, 'Top-Drawer Birdman', review of A Stuart Mason, George Edwards: the Bedell and his Birds in NR 1993 vol 47 pp 316-317 Notes: First citation and list of proposers from certificate: 'Withdrawn 26 April 1744'. [See JB] |
Code | NA8052 |
RefNo | Title | Date |
EC/1757/12 | Edwards, George: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
IM/001245 | Edwards, George | nd |
L&P/4/14 | Letter, 'Of a supposed accidental cross between a pheasant and a turkey' from George Edwards to Thomas Birch | 22 May 1760 |
L&P/1/290 | Paper, 'Of a white owl' by George Edwards | 1744 |
L&P/4/3/1 | Letter, 'Of the frog-fish of Surinam' from George Edwards to the Royal Society | 1760 |
L&P/1/290/2 | Plate, 'A white owl' by George Edwards | 1744 |
L&P/1/290/1 | Letter, 'Of a white owl' from George Edwards to Martin Folkes | 1744 |
L&P/4/54 | Letter, 'On Isaac Matthew's paper on a worm from Dominique [Dominica] having a plant growing from the head' from Emanuel Mendez Da Costa to George Edwards | 5 March 1761 |
L&P/2/260 | Letter, 'Oh a hybrid canary' from George Edwards to Thomas Birch | 3 February 1752 |
L&P/2/102 | Paper, 'Of a bird (bustard)' by George Edwards | 20 February 1750 |
L&P/4/3 | Paper, 'Of the frog-fish of Surinam' by George Edwards | 1760 |
L&P/5/207 | Letter, 'Of a bird from the East Indies' from George Edwards to James West | 1771 |
L&P/3/245/1 | Letter, 'Of the grey coot-footed Tringa, a species of snipe' from George Edwards to Thomas Birch | 3 May 1757 |
L&P/2/427 | Letter, 'Of birds taken at sea' from George Edwards to Thomas Birch | 8 March 1753 |
L&P/4/52/2 | Plate, unnamed [Worm with plant growing in head] by George Edwards | 1761 |
L&P/3/96 | Paper, 'Attempt to account for the rising of the sea at Lisbon after the earthquake' by George Edwards | 1755 |
L&P/3/245/2 | Plate, 'The grey coot-footed Tringa, shot near Halifax in Yorkshire (January 1757)' by George Edwards | 1757 |
L&P/4/255 | Letter, 'A beautiful Chinese pheasant - the argus' from George Edwards to Peter Collinson | 1 March 1765 |
L&P/4/52/1 | Letter, 'Of a worm from Dominique having a plant growing from the head' from Isaac Matthew to George Edwards | 1761 |
L&P/4/125 | Letter, 'Accompanying 31 coloured plates for a third part of his Gleanings of Natural History' from George Edwards to Thomas Birch | 9 October 1762 |
L&P/3/383 | Letter, 'Of birds from Terra Firma, north of the river Amazon' from George Edwards to Hugh Willoughby | 10 May 1759 |
L&P/4/3/2 | Plate, 'The frog-fish of Surinam drawn from nature of the size of life' by George Edwards | 1760 |
L&P/3/251 | Letter, 'On an evening solar Iris' from George Edwards to Thomas Birch | 6 June 1757 |
L&P/5/280 | Paper, 'An attempt to explain why it is so much warmer in Europe than in America in the same degrees of north latitude' by George Edwards | 27 December 1771 |
EC/1744/05 | Edwards, George: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
L&P/2/469 | Letter, 'Of the pheasant of Pennsylvania and the Otis minor' from George Edwards to Peter Collinson | 10 January 1754 |
L&P/3/245 | Paper, 'Of the grey coot-footed Tringa, a species of snipe' by George Edwards | 3 May 1757 |
L&P/3/161 | Paper, 'An account of Lacerta' by George Edwards | 1756 |
L&P/4/162 | Letter, 'An observation in optics (vision in fish)' from George Edwards to Thomas Birch | 15 June 1763 |
EC/1968/11 | Edward, George Robert: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
P/0274 | Portrait of Edwards, George | c.1760 |