
Authorised form of nameVaughan; Dame; Janet Maria (1899 - 1993)
Dates1899 - 1993
Place of birthClifton, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
Date of birth18 October 1899
Date of death09/01/1993
Research fieldRadiobiology
At home, by governesses; North Foreland Lodge (aged 15); Somerville College, Oxford. BSc (1922, Physiology), BM, BCh (1924, Oxford)
Unable to pursue her medical career due to her mother's illness and death, and the need to entertain for her father, who was Headmaster at Rugby School (1924-1929); Assistant in Clinical Pathology, University College Hospital, London (1927) where she became interested in haematology; Rockefeller Travelling Fellow, working at Thorndike Memorial Laboratory, Boston City Hospital, USA, her father having remarried (1929-1930); Assistant Pathologist at a non-teaching hospital (1930-1931); Bernard Baron Institute of Pathology, The London Hospital, to study blood and bone disease, first as Beit Memorial Fellow (3 years), then as Leverhulme Research Scholar (1 year); Assistant in Clincial Pathology, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital (1935); seconded as Medical Officer in Charge, North West London Blood Supply Depot, Slough (World War II); member of Goodenough Committe on medical education (1942); Trustee, Nuffield Foundation (1943-1967); worked with Rosalind Pitt-Rivers (FRS 1954) on nutritional study of force-marched prisoners of war (1945); member of the Royal Commission on equal pay for men and women (1944); Principal, Somerville College (1945-1967); member of the University Grants Medical Advisory Committe (1953-1963); Vice-Chairman (1948) and Chairman (1950-1951) Oxford Regional Hospital Board; research work funded by Medical Research Council (MRC (1947); retired (1967); featured in the BBC series 'Women of our century' (1984)
OBE 1944; DBE 1957
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election15/03/1979
RelationshipsEldest child of William Wyamar Vaughan, schoolmaster, and his wife Margaret Symonds; married (1930) David Gourlay; two daughters Mary (b 1933) and Patricia (b 1935)
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1995 vol 41 pp 481-498, plate, by Maureen Owen
E A Fellmann, 'The Principia and Continental Mathematicians' in NR 1988 vol 42 pp 13-34
Evans, S. (2024) 'Bloomsbury, Belsen, Oxford: Janet Vaughan - medical pioneer' (U. of Chester P.)
Archives associated with this Fellow
GLB/65/6/2Miss C M Bannister to Dame Janet Vaughan, North Middlesex Hospital, Silver Street, Edmonton, London24 May 1963
GLB/19/1/13Janet Maria Vaughan, Principal, Somerville College, Oxford to Brown28 January 1960
GLB/65/104/7Brown to Janet Vaughan, Principal, Somerville College to Brown1 February 1961
GLB/65/104/11Brown to Janet Vaughan, Principal, Somerville College 25 June 1962
GLB/65/104/10Janet Vaughan, Principal, Somerville College to Brown1962
GLB/65/104/9Brown to Janet Vaughan, Principal, Somerville College 11 June 1962
GLB/65/104/8Janet Vaughan, Principal, Somerville College to Brown8 February 1961
IM/GA/JGRS/8149Vaughan, Dame Janet Maria1979
EC/1979/37Vaughan, Janet Maria: certificate of election to the Royal Society1978
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