
Authorised form of nameEddington; Sir; Arthur Stanley (1882 - 1944); astrophysicist and theoretical physicist
Dates1882 - 1944
Place of birthKendal, Westmorland, England
Date of birth28 December 1882
Place of deathCambridge
Date of death22/11/1944
St Giles' cemetery, now Ascension Cemetery, Cambridge
OccupationAstrophysicist and theoretical physicist
Research fieldAstronomy
Owens College Manchester 1898-1902 B.Sc. Class I (Physics)
MA (Cambridge); MSc (Manchester)
Chief Assistant to Astronomer Royal at Greenwich Observatory 1906
Plumian Professor of Astronomy in Cambridge 1913-1944
President of the Royal Astronomical Society 1921-1923; President Physical Society 1939-1932; President International Astronomical Union 1938-1944.
Kt 1930; OM 1938
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election07/05/1914
RSActivityMedals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1928
Bakerian 1926
PublishedWorks'Stellar Movements and the Structure of the Universe' (1914); 'Report on the Relativity Theory of Gravitation' (1915); 'Space, Time and Gravitation' (1920); 'The Mathematical Theory of Relativity' (1923); 'The Internal Constitution of the Stars' (1926); 'Fundamental Theory' (1946); The Combination of Relativity Theory and Quantum Theory (1946)
OtherInfoMember of the Society of Friends
Bulloch's Roll; DSB
Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society 1945-1948 vol 5 pp 113-125, plate, by H C Plummer
S Chandrasekhar, 'Verifying the Theory of Relativity' in NR 1975-6 vol 30 pp 249-260
W H McCrea, 'The Royal Observatory and the Study of Gravitation' in NR 1975-6 vol 30 pp 133-140, plate
Sir Harrie Massey, 'Nuclear Physics Today and in Rutherford's Day' in NR 1972-3 vol 27 pp 25-44
R Singh and F Riess, 'The nobel laureate Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman FRS and his contacts with the British Scientific community in a social and political context' in NR 2004 vol 58 pp 47-64
I T Durham, 'Rethinking the history of solar wind studies: Eddington's analysis of Comet Morehouse' in NR 2006 vol 60 pp 261-270
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
EC/1914/08Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley: certificate of election to the Royal Society
IM/001238Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanleynd
RR/26/39Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'On the mathematical foundations of theoretical statistics' by R A Fisher[August 1921]
NLB/61/446Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS8 July 1921
RR/38/15Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The first and second order equations of the quantum theory' by H T FlintMarch 1929
NLB/61/737Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS20 October 1921
NLB/52/322Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society]9 November 1915
RR/35/77Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'A contribution to modern ideas on the quantum theory' by H T Flint and J W FisherMarch 1927
RR/23/12Referees' report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'On distributive multiplication and random infraction' by John BrownleeDecember 1916
RR/66/258Letter from Arthur Stanley Eddington, on an unnamed paper by Richardson14 March 1939
RR/23/10Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'An investigation into the periodicity of measles epidemics in London from 1703 to the present day by the method of the periodogram' by John BrownleeDecember 1916
NLB/54/283Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [James Hopwood] Jeans, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS21 March 1917
RR/23/84Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'An application of the theory of probabilities to the study of a priori pathometry - Part II' by Ronald Ross and Hilda P HudsonNovember 1916
RR/22/127Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Some problems illustrating the forms of nebulœ' by George Walker WalkerApril 1915
RR/24/26Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'An investigation into the periodicity of measles epidemics in London from 1703 to the present day by the method of the periodogram' by John Brownlee[December 1917]
RR/26/53Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The relativity-contraction in a rotating shaft moving with uniform speed along its axis' by Felix E Hackett[May 1921]
RR/42/44Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'On the force required to stop a moving electrified sphere. -II' by George Frederick Charles SearleJuly 1930
RR/38/16Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The new metric of Einstein and the wave equation' by H T FlintOctober 1928
RR/37/119Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The mechanics of the hydrogen atom' by [Ali Moustafa] MosharrafaSeptember 1928
RR/38/34Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The triplets of helium' by J Arthur GauntNovember 1928
NLB/63/157Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS07 July 1922
RR/37/114Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The "action" of an electromagnetic field' by Samuel Roslington MilnerJuly 1928
RR/41/16Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Mathematical properties of a continuum' by W BandMarch 1930
RR/38/62Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The effect of a nuclear spin on the optical spectra' by J HargreavesApril 1929
RR/38/33Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The triplets of helium' by J Arthur GauntNovember 1928
RR/38/151Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The tensorial form of Dirac's wave equations' by George TempleNovember 1928
RR/38/2Referee's report by Ralph Howard Fowler, on a paper 'A symmetrical treatment of the wave equation' by Arthur Stanley EddingtonSeptember 1928
RR/38/10Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The wave equation in five dimensions' by J W FisherFebruary 1929
RR/40/80Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'On a symmetrical analysis of conical order and its relation to time-space theory' by Alfred Arthur RobbSeptember 1930
NLB/60/302Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS13 January 1921
NLB/59/680Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS1 November 1920
RR/44/62Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Lorentz's equation' by R A SampsonMarch 1931
RR/38/11Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The equations of the quantum theory' by J W Fisher and H T FlintDecember 1929
RR/41/98Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Continuous absorption' by J A GauntJanuary 1930
RR/38/12Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Tests of significance in harmonic analysis' by Ronald Aylmer FisherJune 1929
RR/43/92Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Some special solutions of the equations of axially symmetric gravitational fields' by Thomas LewisDecember 1931
RR/44/129Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'On the definition of distance in curved space, and the displacement of the spectral lines of distant sources' by Edmund Taylor WhittakerJuly 1931
RR/43/71Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The photoelectric effect for Y-rays' by H E HulmeJune 1931
NLB/60/576Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS25 February 1921
RR/27/104Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'On the nature and amount of the gravitational deflection of light' by Joseph LarmorOctober 1922
RR/24/83Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The dissipation of energy in the tides in connection with the acceleration of the moon’s mean motion' by R O Street[March 1917]
NLB/62/654Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS31 March 1922
NLB/65/608Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington [President of the Royal Society], GBE, FRS28 November 1923
RR/44/63Second referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Lorentz's equation' by R A SampsonSeptember 1931
RR/45/27Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The stellar coefficients of absorption and opacity.— Part II' by Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar[December 1931]
RR/49/117Referee's report by Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, on a paper 'The masses of the proton and electron' by Arthur Stanley Eddington[October 1933]
NLB/61/697Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS13 October 1921
RR/50/64Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Material and radiational waves (continued)' by [Ali Moustafa] MosharrafaMarch 1933
RR/48/97Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'A relativistic basis of the quantum theory' by H T Flint[January 1934]
NLB/62/651Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS31 March 1922
RR/53/79Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'A relativistic basis of the quantum theory.—II' by H T Flint[March 1934]
NLB/61/726Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS18 October 1921
RR/37/148Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'On the potential of electromagnetic phenomena in a gravitational field' by Edmund Taylor WhittakerMay 1928
RR/61/118Referee's report by Ralph Howard Fowler, on a paper 'Theory of scattering of protons by protons' by Arthur Stanley EddingtonJuly 1937
NLB/62/675Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS5 April 1922
RR/57/49Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'On Gauss' theorem and the concept of mass in general relativity' by Edmund Taylor Whittaker[January 1935]
RR/60/20Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The speed of light at a function of the time' by [Ali Moustafa] MosharrafaNovember 1936
RR/60/16Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'On wave matrices, and some properties of the wave equation' by Samuel Roslington MilnerJune 1936
NLB/57/843Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Sir Arthur Stanley] AS Eddington, FRS21 February 1920
NLB/57/845Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor JW [John William] Nicholson, FRS21 February 1920
RR/64/89Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Neutrons, degeneracy and white dwarfs' by D S Kothari[June 1937]
RR/66/76Referee's report by George Barker Jeffery, on a paper 'The masses of the meson and mesotron' by Arthur Stanley Eddington1 November 1939
RR/66/75Referee's report by George Barker Jeffery, on a paper 'A new derivation of the quadratic equation for the masses of the proton and electron' by Arthur Stanley Eddington1 November 1939
NLB/57/658Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Joseph Larmor, FRS, MP7 January [1920]
NLB/57/828Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor JW [John William] Nicholson, FRS17 February 1920
NLB/63/613Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS15 November 1922
NLB/63/586Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS09 November 1922
RR/39/98Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on the Bakerian Lecture 'The structure and opacity of a stellar atmosphere' by Edward Arthur Milne[July 1929]
RR/35/48Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'On electrostatics in a gravitational field' by E T CopsonDecember 1927
NLB/65/447Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Walter [Morley] Fletcher, KBE, FRS1 November 1923
NLB/65/598Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Diarmid] Noel Paton, FRS27 November 1923
RR/28/135Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'A generalized vector analysis of four dimensions' by H T Flint[March 1923]
NLB/64/913Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Godfrey] Locker Lampson, M.P; Berkeley Street, W.19 July 1923
NLB/65/394Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Honourable Sir Charles [Algernon] Parsons, KCB, FRS; also sent to Professor [Charles Glover] Barkla, Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, Sir [William Henry] Bragg, Professor [Thomas Ralph] Merton, Professor [Jocelyn Field] Thorpe, Sir [Frederick William] Andrewes, Professor [Edwin Stephen] Goodrich, Sir [Thomas Henry] Holland and Sir [Frederick William] Keeble.25 October 1923
NLB/66/627Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House, W.15 June 1924
NLB/69/249Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS12 February 1926
NLB/68/621Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS24 September 1925
NLB/69/511Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS20 May 1926
NLB/71/35Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS12 December 1927
NLB/70/730Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Gilbert Walker, CSI, FRS14 July 1927
NLB/71/517Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS23 June 1928
NLB/71/657Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Gilbert Walker, C.S.I., FRS26 September 1928
NLB/71/781Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Keeper, H.M. Privy Purse1 November 1928
NLB/71/880Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, H.M. Privy Purse, Buckingham Palace, SW127 November 1928
NLB/71/807Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur Stanley] Eddington, FRS5 November 1928
RR/26/137Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Correlation between arrays in a table of correlations' by C Spearman[January 1922]
RR/24/9Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'On the evolution of our galactic system' by Alexander William Bickerton[March 1917]
RR/26/128Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'On a physical theory of stellar spectra' by Meghnad N Saha[January 1921]
RR/35/78Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The fundamental equation of wave mechancis and the [metrics] of space' by H T Flint and J W FisherMay 1927
RR/39/46Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'A general equation of state and the Debye–Hückel theory on the new statistics' by Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar[October 1929]
RR/65/75Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'The problem of n bodies in general relativity theory' by Arthur Stanley Eddington and G L ClarkMarch 1938
RR/62/41Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'A criticism of the method of expansion in powers of the gravitational constant in general relativity' by John Lighton Synge[January 1937]
RR/33/15Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The relativity theory of plane waves' by O R Baldwin and G B JefferyJanuary 1926
RR/44/64Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The concept of time' by R A SampsonOctober 1931
RR/62/40Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Integral electromagnetic theorems in general relativity' by John Lighton Synge[June 1936]
NLB/57/655Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor HF [Hugh Frank] Newall, FRS7 January 1920
NLB/65/527Copy letter from Charles [Scott] Sherrington, President of the Royal Society; to the Honourable Sir Arthur Stanley [Eddington], GBE, FRS13 November 1923
NLB/66/673Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Eddington, FRS17 June 1924
NLB/66/669Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Sydney] Chapman17 June 1924
MDA/A/26/6/60Copy of a letter from A S Eddington to F W Lanchester15 October 1942
AP/81/13/2Unpublished letter, regarding 'The rest masses of the neutron and neutrino' from [Arthur Stanley] Eddington to unknown recipient7 November 1939
RR/28/48Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Radiative equilibrium: the relation between the spectral energy curve of a star and the law of darkening of the disc towards the limb, special reference to the effects of scattering and the solar spectrum' by Edward Arthur Milne[June 1922]
RR/26/147Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The theory of the inertial field' by Alfred North Whitehead[October 1921]
AP/81/13Unpublished paper, 'The rest masses of the neutron and neutrino' by H O W Richardson1939
RR/48/96Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'A new presentation and interpretation of the quantum equations' by H T Flint[March 1933]
AP/81/13/1Unpublished printed proof, 'The rest masses of the neutron and neutrino' by H O W Richardson1939
RR/47/32Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'Theory of electric charge' by Arthur Stanley Eddington15 April 1932
RR/64/22Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'On the values of fundamental atomic constants' by Sten Von Friesen[February 1937]
RR/37/10Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'The relativity theory of divergent waves' by O R BaldwinNovember 1928
RR/26/11Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'An experimental determination of the distribution of the partial correlation coefficient in samples of thirty' by J W Bispham[January 1922]
RR/27/105Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'On the nature and amount of the gravitational deflection of light' by Joseph Larmor11 November 1922
RR/30/54Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'On the possible ellipticity of Saturn's ring' by G R Goldbrough[July 1924]
RR/30/78Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'A general vector analysis, with applications to electrodynamical theory' by H T Flint[December 1924]
RR/33/16Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Electronic orbits on the relativity theory' by O R Baldwin and G B JefferyJanuary 1926
RR/34/117Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'On the geometry of dynamics' by John Lighton Synge[February 1926]
RR/43/11Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Quantised singularities in the electromagnetic field' by Paul Adrien Maurice DiracJune 1931
RR/43/30Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'A metrical theory and its relation to the charge and masses of the electron and proton' by H T FlintFebruary 1931
RR/43/122Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Material and radiational waves' by [Ali Moustafa] MosharrafaOctober 1931
RR/47/31Referee's report by Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, on a paper 'Theory of electric charge' by Arthur Stanley EddingtonJune 1932
RR/50/62Referee's report by Charles Galton Darwin, on a paper 'Some properties of the wave equation' by Samuel Roslington MilnerMay 1933
RR/55/126Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'A relativistic basis of the quantum theory III' by H T FlintMarch 1935
RR/59/74Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Ultimate measurements of space and time' by H T Flint[August 1936]
RR/65/246Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Influence of radiation on ionization equilibrium' by B N SrivastavaMarch 1938
RR/67/415Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'On the electromagnetic two-body problem' by John Lighton Synge1940
MC/30/202Letter from [Joseph John] Thomson, Homleigh, West Road, Cambridge, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]8 December 1915
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