Authorised form of name | Baglivi; Giorgio (1668 - 1707); physician |
Other forms of name | Georgius |
Other forms of surname | Armeno |
Dates | 1668 - 1707 |
Nationality | Italian |
Place of birth | Dubrovnik, Croatia, Europe |
Date of birth | 08 September 1668 |
Place of death | Rome, Italy |
Date of death | 15 June 1707 |
DatesAndPlaces | Burial: The church of San Marcello, Rome, Europe |
Occupation | Physician |
Research field | Anatomy |
Medicine |
Activity | Education: Jesuit School in Dubrovnik; Pupil of Pietro Angelo Baglivi at Lecce, whose heir he became; Naples; Salerno MD (1688); attended Bellini's lectures at Pisa Career: Travelled in Italy, where he worked in hospitals in Padua, Venice, Florence and Bologna, Holland and England (1688-1692); Assistant to Marcello Malpighi (FRS 1669) first in Bologna and then in Rome (1691-1694); Physician to Popes Innocent XII and Clement XI; Teacher of Surgery and Anatomy at La Sapienza, Rome (1696); Professor of Theoretical Medicine (1700) Memberships: Imperia Societa de Augusta; Academia Naturae Curiosorum (1699); Arcadia (1699); Accademia dei Fisiocritici (1700) |
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 06/07/1698 |
Proposer | Sir Hans Sloane |
Relationships | Parents: Blasius Armeno, Biagio or Vlaho de Giorgio Armeno, Merchant of Dubrovnik, and Anna, daughter of Ser Iacopo de Lupis Adoptive father: Pietro Angelo Baglivi, wealthy physician of Lecce Siblings: Jacobus Baglivi |
OtherInfo | From his own medical practice, Baglivi made crucial advances in clinical education. He put forth in De Fibra Motrice the "solidist" theory that is, contrary to the traditional belief of the four humors, maintaining the effective operation of an organ was primarily due to its solid parts, rather than its fluids. He was a strong advocate for doctors relying on careful observation over general theory, and was described as "a distinguished physiological researcher fascinated by the nerves, his microscopic studies enabled him to distinguish between smooth and striated muscles and distinct kinds of fibres". |
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Source | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DSB; Hunter; DBI; Baglivi Georgius [; last accessed 22/11/2023] Notes: Proposed by Sir Hans Sloane. Area now Croatian, but was Italian in his lifetime. |
Code | NA8416 |
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