RefNo | PT/74/4 |
Level | File |
Title | Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, volume 127 |
Date | 1836-1837 |
Description | Plates intended for publication in various papers published in volume 127 of Philosophical Transactions. The plates have been removed from their associated manuscripts. Published plates were engraved by the Basire family.
The plates correspond to the following papers: 'Observations on the electro-chemical influence of long-continued electric currents of low tension' by Golding Bird; 'On the structure of the brain in marsupial animals' by Richard Owen; 'On the development and extinction of regular doubly refracting structures in the crystalline lenses of animals after death' by David Brewster; 'On the first changes in the ova of the mammifera in consequence of impregnation, and on the mode of origin of the chorion' by Thomas Wharton Jones; 'On the elementary structure of the muscular fibre of animal and organic life' by Frederic Carpenter Skey; and 'Observations on the minute structure of some of the higher forms of polypi, with views of a more natural arrangement of the class' by Arthur Farre. |
Extent | 30 illustrations |
Format | Drawing |
PhysicalDescription | Drawings, diagrams, and paintings on paper |
Digital images | View item on Science in the Making |
AccessStatus | Open |