RefNo | RBO/19/21 |
AltRefNo | RBO.19.123 |
Level | Item |
Title | 'An account of a new Engine for raising Water...' by Walter Churchman, the inventor |
Date | nd |
Description | '... in which horses or other Animals draw, without any Loss of Power (which has never yet been practised) and how the strokes of the Pistons may be made of any length, to prevent the loss of Water, by the too frequent opening of Valves; with many other advantages altogether new: the Model of which was shewn to the Royal Society on the 28th of last November' Engraved figure of water-raising engine attached - details of the engine are given at the sides of the engraving Read to the Royal Society on 17 April 1735 |
Language | English |
Extent | 4 sides |
Format | Manuscript |
Digital images | View item on Science in the Making |
AccessStatus | Open |
RelatedMaterial | Printed in 'Philosophical Transactions', vol 38, no 434, p 402 |
RelatedRecord | CLP/6/75 |