RefNo | ACS/1/2/1/255 |
AltRefNo | 295 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from [Alan Archibald Campbell] Swinton, to F. C. Holden, [Esquire]. |
Creator | Swinton; Alan Archibald Campbell (1863-1930); British electrical engineer |
Date | 24 December 1920 |
Description | Acknowledges receipt of a cheque. Encloses a copy of a letter he wrote two days prior, to Mr. Morse, in regard to the new Electricity Bill and the position at Scarborough. Further encloses a copy of Mr Justice Rowlatt's judgement referred to therein [enclosure not present]. |
Extent | 1p |
Format | Typescript |
PhysicalDescription | Carbon |
AccessStatus | Open |