RefNo | ACS/1/3/1/8 |
AltRefNo | 84495 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from [William] H. Massey, Twyford, Berkshire, to [Alan Archibald] Campbell Swinton |
Creator | Massey; William H (fl 1926); Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers |
Date | 16 September 1926 |
Description | 'Thanks for yours of the 14th & 15th. I don't know what "spirit" is, nor do I know the meaning of any word built up on it, -so I generally use 'spook'; but, if you have the patience to read [Oliver] Lodge's onslaugth (which follows Ricket's effort), you will get some idea. If I ask Tuckett he will refer me to his book on: "The Evidence for the Supernatural",- which is 'anti-spook'. Sorry I made a mistake in the paging of Mann's book; but you will find all about my £1,000 in the part dealing with Telephaty and Survival. Should you ever attend a séance, be sure and find out if the medium is in a "trance" or not. Tillyard & Co will believe any of- thing the medium says. No psychic phenomena has ever 'worked' when I have been present. The "spirits" don't like me. What is a "spirit"?' |
Extent | 1p |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Ink on paper |
AccessStatus | Open |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA8285 | Swinton; Alan Archibald Campbell (1863 - 1930); electrical engineer | 1863 - 1930 |