RefNo | ACS/1/3/7/7 |
AltRefNo | 88461 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from Longmans, Green & Co, 39 Paternoster Row, London, E. C. 4, to [Alan Archibald] Campbell Swinton [Esquire]., 40 Chester Square, S. W.1. |
Creator | Longmans, Green & Co, Publishers |
Date | 26 September 1929 |
Description | Acknowledges receipt of a previous letter and cheque, enclosing the receipt [enclosure not present]. Notes that Swinton already has the blocks from the Society of Arts, stating he will send them shortly together with the photograph of Huxley, for reproduction. |
Extent | 1p |
Format | Typescript |
PhysicalDescription | Carbon |
AccessStatus | Open |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA8285 | Swinton; Alan Archibald Campbell (1863 - 1930); electrical engineer | 1863 - 1930 |