RefNo | AEW |
Level | Fonds |
Title | Papers of Anthony Edward Walsby FRS, microbiologist |
Date | c.1950s-2000s |
Description | Papers and correspondence of Anthony Walsby, including his laboratory notebooks, research files on molecular biology topics, and lecture notes. There are also records relating to trips abroad and attendance at research conferences. A collection of Walsby's numbered reprints is also present, as well as a collection of slides. |
Language | English |
Extent | 13 offsite storage boxes |
Arrangement | Arrangement of the collection is on hold, pending completion of appraisal. |
Appraisal | The collection was listed when it was deposited in 2014 but still requires further appraisal, weeding and sorting. |
FindingAids | There is no public finding aid for this collection. The Library team has an internal box listing. |
AccessStatus | Closed |
AccessConditions | Access to the collection is closed, pending the completion of appraisal, listing and cataloguing. For more information, please contact us at |
AdminHistory | Anthony Walsby was Professor of Microbiology at the School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol. His research interests lay primarily in aquatic microorganisms and lake ecology, and was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1993. |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA4289 | Walsby; Anthony Edward (1941 - 2024); microbiologist | 1941 - 2024 |