RefNo | AP/23/11/1 |
Level | Item |
Title | Unpublished manuscript, 'Comparative observations made with a mountain barometer and the compensating barometer' from Samuel B Howlett to J F W [John Frederick William] Herschel |
Creator | Howlett; Samuel B (fl 1839) |
Date | 7 March 1839 |
Description | Howlett describes his compensating barometer. Includes a table of comparative observations taken with a mountain barometer and the compensating barometer, which shows the date, mountain barometer (apparent, temperature, reduced), Mr Howlett's barometer, and difference between the measurements of the two barometers.
Annotations in pencil throughout. Includes a drawing of Howlett's compensating barometer separate to the text.
Subject: Meteorology / Engineering
Whilst the Royal Society declined to publish this paper in full, an abstract of the paper was published in volume 4 of Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London [later Proceedings of the Royal Society] as 'Description of a compensating barometer, adapted to meteorological purposes, and requiring no corrections either for zero, or for temperature'. |
Extent | 16p |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Ink and graphite pencil on paper |
AccessStatus | Open |
RelatedMaterial | DOI: 10.1098/rspl.1837.0062 |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA8238 | Herschel; Sir; John Frederick William (1792 - 1871); mathematician and astronomer | 1792 - 1871 |