TitleUnpublished manuscript, 'On the phenomena observed to attend the propulsion of lymph from one of the lymphatic hearts into a vein, in the frog' by Thomas Wharton Jones
DescriptionJones describes an experiment in which a frog 'was laid open, and the posterior part of the anterior lymphatic heart of one side, in the niche behind and below the extremity of the large transverse process of the third vertebra, brought into view. By the removal of the skin of the back from over the scapular region, the part of the heart mentioned admitted of examination by transmitted light under a simple microscope—the lens 1/2-inch focus. It was seen that when the lymphatic heart contracted, a stream of lymph was propelled from it into a vein at its posterior border, and swept before it the blood in that vessel, whilst the flow from behind was arrested. As soon, however, as diastole of the lymphatic heart supervened, the flow of blood from behind became reestablished, and drove the lymph onward in its turn. Systole of the heart now again ensuing, the lymph-stream propelled into the vein swept forward the blood in that vessel as before, whilst the flow of blood from behind was arrested; and so the same series of phenomena was repeated. It was thus seen that the phenomena attending the propulsion of lymph from the anterior lymphatic hearts of the frog into the veins at their posterior border, with which they communicate by a valvular opening, are essentially similar to those attending the propulsion of the lymph from the caudal heart of the eel into the caudal vein.'

Marked on front as 'Archives Dec 1868'. Includes one figure of the lymphatic heart.

Subject: Biology / Physiology

Whilst the Royal Society declined to publish this paper in full, an abstract of the paper was published in volume 16 of the Proceedings of the Royal Society as 'On the phenomena observed to attend the propulsion of lymph from one of the lymphatic hearts into a vein in the frog'.
PhysicalDescriptionInk on paper
RelatedMaterialDOI: 10.1098/rspl.1867.0068
Fellows associated with this archive
NA3182Jones; Thomas Wharton (1808 - 1891)1808 - 1891
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