RefNo | AP/71/14/2 |
Level | Item |
Title | Unpublished photographs, cortex cerebri in the bonnet monkey (Macacus sinicus) by Edward Lindon Mellus |
Creator | Mellus; Edward Lindon (1848-1922); American neuroscientist |
Date | 1895 |
Description | 29 photographs, labelled figures 1-29, showing the cortex cerebri of the bonnet monkey. Followed by five pages of descriptions of the figures.
Subject: Physiology / Neuroscience |
Extent | 8p |
Format | Photograph |
PhysicalDescription | Small format album pages, Figs. 1-29 with between x1 and x4 images per page. Processes – a mixture of Albumen, Bromide and Gelatine (PoP) papers. |
AccessStatus | Open |