
TitlePaper, 'The description and life of an apparatus added as an improvement to Davis's quadrant, consisting of a mercurial level for taking the co-altitude of the Sun or star at sea, without the visual assistance of the sensible horizon which frequently is obscure' by Charles Leigh
DescriptionLeigh describes apparatus used to measure the altitude of the Sun. He states that 'to arrive at the utmost perfection in navigation, three things are absolutely requisite, viz, the variation, the latitude, the longitude'. Includes two copies of testimonial signed by Thomas Strachey, Thomas Griffin, J Irving and William Slanning, and a figure of the apparatus.

Subject: Astronomy / Navigation / Scientific apparatus and instruments

Read to the Royal Society on 28 June 1739

Published in Philosophical Transactions as 'The description and use of an apparatus added as an improvement to Davis's quadrant, consisting of a mercurial level, for taking the co-altitude of sun or star at sea, without the usual assistance of the sensible horizon, which frequently is obscured'
PhysicalDescriptionInk on paper
Digital imagesView item on Science in the Making
RelatedMaterialDOI: 10.1098/rstl.1737.0073
Fellows associated with this archive
NA5710Leigh; Charles (1662 - 1717); physician and naturalist1662 - 1717
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