
TitleMinutes of a meeting of Council of the Royal Society
Date19 December 1867
DescriptionPrinted minutes containing matters laid before Council, the Royal Society's governing body of Fellows, with records of decisions taken.

Commencing with a list of Council members present: Frederick Augustus Abel; William Benjamin Carpenter; Arthur Cayley; Jacob Lockhart Clarke; John Evans; Captain Douglas Galton; John Peter Gassiot; John Hall Gladstone; Sir Rowland Hill; William Huggins; Thomas Henry Huxley; William Allen Miller; William Hallows Miller; Colonel William James Smythe; George Gabriel Stokes; Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Strange; Thomas Thomson; the President, Lieutenant-General Edward Sabine, in the Chair.

Among matters discussed or noted: minutes of the last meeting read and approved. New Members of Council made and subscribed to the declaration in lieu of the oath. Reappointment of the Library Committee, with a list of members, brief terms of reference and budget. List of Fellows to form the Government Grant Committee. Report by the Treasurer on the Acton Estate, 24 August 1867, full text entered in to the minutes: on a visit of inspection by the Treasurer and Assistant Secretary, accompanied by the tenant, noting crops of scarlet runners, wheat, mangel-wurzel and mowing grass, with half the land sublet to market gardeners, and defects. The President stated that he had granted leave for the Female School of Art to hold their prize-giving in the Meeting Room. The Foreign Secretary reported the death of M. Florens, Foreign Member. Letter from Mr. Duppa, requesting an extension of time for admission to the Fellowship, granted. Letter from Dr. Hirst requesting permission to borrow a letter in the hand of John Winthrop to compare with one in the possession of M. Chasles, granted. Letter from Mr. Robert Scott, Director of the Meteorological Department, requesting future numbers of the Proceedings, and back numbers, granted. Letter from Mr. H.W. Chisholm, Warden of Standards, requesting volumes of Philosophical Transactions containing important papers on standards, granted. Letter from Major Burt, enclosing a photograph of Wadham College, Oxford, and suggesting that a scholarship should be founded to commemorate the connection with the early Royal Society: the reply to be that the Society had no funds for such a purpose. Letter from J.W. Dawson respecting a monograph on fossil plants, the Secretary directed to reply. Letter from Sir William E. Logan acknowledging the award of a Royal Medal. Letter from the Russian Ambassador acknowledging the award of the Copley Medal to Karl E. von Baer. Proposed by Professor Huxley and seconded by Dr. Thomson, that the Secretaries be requested to draw up a statement on the manner in which the last nominations of Members of Council was drawn up, to be minuted; the motion put to the vote and lost. List of bills for payment, for lithography and printing.
Extent4p; pp.388-391
PhysicalDescriptionOn paper
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