
TitleMinutes of a meeting of Council of the Royal Society
Date20 February 1868
DescriptionPrinted minutes containing matters laid before Council, the Royal Society's governing body of Fellows, with records of decisions taken.

Commencing with a list of Council members present: Frederick Augustus Abel; William Benjamin Carpenter; John Evans; Captain Douglas Galton; John Peter Gassiot; William Huggins; Thomas Henry Huxley; William Allen Miller; William Hallows Miller; Andrew Crombie Ramsay; William Sharpey; Colonel William James Smythe; George Gabriel Stokes; Thomas Thomson; the President, Lieutenant-General Edward Sabine, in the Chair.

Among matters discussed or noted: minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Professor Hugo Mohl was added to the list of candidates for Foreign Membership of the Royal Society: nine candidates were proposed from the list and balloted for, with the final selection being Theodor Ludwig Wilhelm Bischoff, Rudolph J.E. Clausius, Hugo von Mohl, and Samuel Heinrich Schwabe; these to be put for balloting at a future meeting. Lists submitted by the Library Committee of institutions and individuals to whom it was proposed to present copies of the Catalogue of Scientific Papers, approved by Council. Letter from Rear-Admiral Thomas E.L. Moore indicating his desire to withdraw from the Royal Society, the resignation accepted. Application from the Civil Service Commisioners for use of the Meeting Room for examinations, granted. Letter from Herman Merivale, India Office, 30 January 1868, to Edward Sabine, full text entered into the minutes: Sir Stafford Northcote had sanctioned the purchase of new magnetical instruments for the Observatory at Bombay and had asked for Sabine's help in selecting them, forwarding a list of requirements. Letter from Edward Sabine, Burlington House, 31 January 1868, to Herman Merivale, full text entered into the minutes: acknowledging the receipt of Merivale's letter with Northcote's letter and noting his willingness to make the selection where he was able to; with a descriptive list of instruments and estimated costs in rupees for the improvement of Bombay Observatory. Letter from the Reverend Dr. Robinson announcing the satisfactory completion of the Melbourne Telescope: with a letter from Mr. Verdon of the Colonial Treasury of Victoria, on arrangements for its reception in Australia. Letter from the Reverend Dr. Lloyd, intimating that he had forwarded to the Royal Society two years' of abstracts of General Boileau's meteorological observations at Simla, the originals of which had been destroyed by fire; thanks given. Proceedings granted as an exchange with the Odontological Society; and granted to the Cambridge Union. Letter from Colonel J.S. Walker, Dehra Doon, 2 January 1868, to Edward Sabine, full text entered into the minutes: informing Sabine of the arrival of Lieutenant John Herschel in India, with instruments; he is now at Bangalore and Walker hopes to supply him with all necessary assistants and equipment. List of bills for payment, for lithography.
Extent6p; pp.394-399
PhysicalDescriptionOn paper
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