
TitleMinutes of a meeting of Council of the Royal Society
Date16 February 1865
DescriptionPrinted minutes containing matters laid before Council, the Royal Society's governing body of Fellows, with records of decisions taken.

Commencing with a list of Council members present: James Alderson; George Busk; Sir George Everest; John Peter Gassiot; John Edward Gray; Thomas Archer Hirst; Sir Henry Holland; Henry Bence Jones; William Allen Miller; William Hallows Miller; Sir Roderick Impey Murchison; William Odling; William Pole; Sir John Rennie; William Sharpey; Edward Henry Stanley, Lord Stanley; George Gabriel Stokes; the President, Major-General Edward Sabine, in the Chair.

Among matters discussed or noted: minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Lord Stanley made and subscribed to the declaration in lieu of the oath, as a new Member of Council. The Secretary presented a report from Robert Mallet on the temperature of volcanos, referred to the Government Grant Committee. Correspondence on the establishment of a new meteorological and magnetical observatory in Mauritius, full text entered into the minutes:

Letter from Sir Frederic Rogers, Downing Street, 21 January 1865, to Major-General Edward Sabine, the Royal Society.
Copy letter from Sir Henry Barkly, Mauritius, 5 December 1864, to Edward Cardwell.
Letter from Edward Sabine, Burlington House, 29 January 1865, to Sir Frederic Rogers.
Letter from Sir Frederic Rogers, Downing Street, 2 February 1865, to Major-General Edward Sabine.

An application was made by the Civil Service Commissioners for permission to hold examinations for the Indian Civil Service at Burlington House, granted except for the day of Admission of Fellows. Letter from Roderick Impey Murchison, Whitehall Place, 14 February 1865, to Major-General Edward Sabine, full text entered into the minutes: requesting that the Royal Society join with the Royal Geographical Society in making representations to Government on an expedition to the North Polar region, following Captain Sherard Osborn's able paper on the subject; suggesting a joint committee and rapid action in securing the services of Sir Leopold McClintock and others; Council referred to the precedent of 1844 and noted that the proposed expedition would be advantageous to science, and Council would therefore be prepared to set out a detailed statement of the scientific objects which might be prosecuted, and to specify instruments and methods of research. Resolutions of the Scientific Relief Committee, £50 to be placed at the disposal of the President of the Linnean Society and £100 at the disposal of the President of the Royal Society, for the benefit of two applicants. List of bills for payment, for lithography and binding.
Extent7p; pp.230-236
PhysicalDescriptionOn paper
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