RefNo | EC/1805/03 |
Previous numbers | Cert VI, 73; A00256 |
Level | Item |
Title | Babington, William: certificate of election to the Royal Society |
Citation | William Babington MD Senior Physician of Guys Hospital, a Gentleman eminently learned in Chemistry and Mineralogy, being desirous to become a Fellow of the Royal Society, We the undersigned, do from our personal Knowledge, recommend himas deserving that Honor, and as likely to prove an useful an valuable Member |
Proposers | J W Dillwyn; S Tennant; Wm H Wollaston; Charles Hatchett; Edward Howard; Humphry Davy; William Saunders; Everard Home; Will Morgan;John Abernethy; G W Jordan; John Symmons; Nathl Hulme; Benj Way; Jas Edwd Smith |
AccessStatus | Open |
Image |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA3153 | Babington; William (1756 - 1833) | 1756 - 1833 |