Citation | Ex-Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge. Professor of Mathematics in Queen's College, Galway. author of the following papers, among others, on mathematical subjects: 'On the Reduction of a Linear Substitution to a Canonical Form' (Proc Lond Math Soc, vol xxxi); 'Canonical Reduction of Linear Substitutions and Bilinear Forms, with a Dynamical Application' (ibid, vol xxxii); 'Note on Weierstrasse's Reduction of a Family of Bilinear Forms' (ibid, vol xxxii); 'On a Canonical Reduction of Bilinear Forms with special consideration of Congruent Reductions' (ibid, vol xxxii); 'Congruent Reductions of Bilinear Forms' (Amer Journ, vol xxiii); 'Theorems on Matrices and Bilinear Forms' (Proc Camb Phil Soc, vol ii); 'The Reduction of Quadratic Forms and of Linear Substitutions' (Quart Journ Math , vol xxxiii); 'The Roots of the Characteristic Equation of a Linear Substitution' (Acta Math, vol xxix); 'Note on Nominal Surfaces' (Proc Lond Math Soc, vol xxx); 'Classification of Conics and Quadrics (Proc Camb Phil Soc, vol x); 'Conformal Space Transformations' (Proc Lond Math Soc, vol xxxiii); 'The Caustic by Reflexion of a Circle' (Amer Journ, vol xxvi); 'The Infinitesimal Generators of Parameter Groups' (Bull Amer Math Soc, vol viii); 'Note on Double Limits and the Inversion of a Repeated Infinite Integral' (Proc Lond Math Soc, vol i); 'Some Extensions to Multiply Series of Abel's Theorem on the Continuity of Power Series' (ibid, vol ii); 'Applications to Dynamics of some Algebraical Results' (ibid, vol xxxiii); 'Note on Stability of Motion with an Application to Hydro-dynamics' (ibid, vol xxxiii); 'On the Influence of Gravity on Elastic Waves, and in particular on the Vibrations of an Elastic Globe' (ibid, vol xxx); 'On some Solutions of Laplace's Equation' (ibid, vol xxx); 'Note on the Characteristic Invariants of an Asymmetric Optical System' (ibid, vol xxxi); 'Note on the Potential of a Symmetrical System' (Phil Mag, vol ii); 'On the Potential of a Single Sheet' (Arch fur Math u Phys, vol ii); 'Note on the Wave Surface of a Dynamical Medium, AEolotropic in all respects' (Proc Lond Math Soc, vol xxxiv). |