
Previous numbersCert XII, 227
TitleMacallum, Archibald Byron: certificate of election to the Royal Society
CitationProfessor of Physiology, University of Toronto, Ontario. Distinguished for researches in physiology and histology, including the discovery of microchemical methods for detecting and locating Iron and Phosphorus in the structural features of Cells (Proc Roy Soc, vol 1, 1891), and more recently for similarly detecting Potassium (Brit Assoc Report, 1903). Has produced among other work the following papers: - 'On the Absorption of Iron in the Animal Body' (Journ of Physiol, vol xvi, 1894); 'On the Organic Compounds of Iron and the Chromatins of Cells' (Quart Journ Micros Sci, vol xxxviii, 1895); 'A new method of distinguishing between Organic and Inorganic Compounds of Iron in Cells' (Journ Physiol, vol xxii, 1897); 'On the Distribution of Iron in Animal and Plant Cells' (Brit Assoc Report, 1897); 'On the Cyanophyceae' (ibid, 1897); 'On the Inorganic Composition of the Medusae, 'Aurelia flavidula' and 'Cyanea arctica'' (Journ Physiol, vol xxix, 1903); 'On the Localisation of Potassium in Animal and Plant Cells' (Brit Assoc Report, 1903).
Prof Macallum has also taken a leading part in the development of the biological equipment and teaching in his University; and in the establishment of the Canadian Marine Biological Stations, N Brunswick, and at Canso, Nova Scotia.
ProposersW H Gaskell; C S Sherrington; J N Langley; C J Martin; E A Schafer; W D Halliburton; H Woodward; D J Cunningham; F W Pavy; E B Poulton; W A Herdman; H B Dixon; W B Hardy; S P Thompson
Extent1 sheet

Macallum, Archibald Byron: certificate of election to the Royal Society

Fellows associated with this archive
NA8256Macallum; Archibald Byron (1858 - 1934); biochemist1858 - 1934
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