RefNo | EC/1979/08 |
Previous numbers | Cert XX, 141 |
Level | Item |
Title | Edwards, John Hilton: certificate of election to the Royal Society |
Date | 1976 |
Description | Citation typed |
Citation | Professor Edwards has worked on many aspects of human genetics, following a broad training in medicine, pathology, psychiatry and epidemiology and has devoted equal effort to clinical, laboratory and theoretical work. His main papers have been on the implication of familial resemblance and the limitations of its numerical analysis, on the description of the clinical consequences of chromosomal disorders, on the application of microtechniques to chromosomal analysis, and on the practical implications and long-term consequences of applied human genetics. His main methodological contribution is on the coding and analysis of data related to human gene mapping, and on devising computer programmes which have been capable of excluding many close linkages and of detecting two (PTC and Kell, Bf and HLA). His main organisational contribution has been in leading it to be almost self-sustaining. Professor Edwards' influence on the thinking and application of human genetics has been very deep. His involvement in the training of and help to many workers in medical genetics is a major United Kingdom contribution to this field. |
AccessStatus | Closed |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA4144 | Edwards; John Hilton (1928 - 2007) | 1928 - 2007 |