RefNo | EC/1983/03 |
Previous numbers | Cert XXI, 91 |
Level | Item |
Title | Chandrasekhar, Sivaramakrishna: certificate of election to the Royal Society |
Date | 1981 |
Description | Citation typed |
Citation | Chandrasekhar is a well known authority in the subject of "Liquid Crystals". He has built up a flourishing school in this field during the last ten years and the output of his Group is outstanding, consisting of 11 reviews (including three books) and about 150 publications. His best work is the demonstration in 1977 (using thermodynamic, optical and x-ray studies) that disc-like molecules can form a new kind of liquid crystal. The discs form columns, which again form a 2-dimensional array. Following his studies, several other disc-like mesogens have been discovered, notably in France. This discovery has opened up new vistas even for the physicists - it is a rare case, in which phase transition of complete solidification can be of second order. Chandrasekhar was the first to build a high pressure x-ray camera for liquid crystals, which he used to study phase transitions occurring at such pressures. His earlier work was on ORD in crystals leading to the "quadratic" variant of the classical Drude equation (for which he also gave a theoretical interpretation), and on polarised x-rays for the study of crystal perfection. |
AccessStatus | Closed |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA1815 | Chandrasekhar; Sivaramakrishna (1930 - 2004) | 1930 - 2004 |