RefNo | EC/1987/24 |
Previous numbers | Cert XXII, 71 |
Level | Item |
Title | Mansfield, Sir Peter: certificate of election to the Royal Society |
Date | 1981 |
Description | Citation typed |
Citation | Distinguished for his contribution to nuclear magnetic resonance, particularly in the solid state. Professor Mansfield was one of the pioneering workers to study both theoretically and experimentally the transient nuclear resonance responses in solids after the application of multiple radio frequency pulses, and to show that a suitable train of radiofrequency pulses could produce signals from which the effects of dipole-dipole interaction were effectively removed. As early as 1969 he showed how in this way chemical shifts could be resolved for resonances from solids. This field of research has been most intensively explored and Professor Mansfield has made important contributions to this work, as that it is now possible to obtain 'high resolution' nmr spectra from many solids. Professor Mansfield has also made very important contributions to the theory and practice of using nmr to obtain the spatial distribution of fluids in a sample, and has been one of a small number of pioneers in the development of methods of 'imaging' by nmr, in which the proton distribution of fluids in biological organisms can be mapped out. This technique seems likely to become an important new tool for medical diagnosis, complementary with the use of x-rays. |
AccessStatus | Closed |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA4445 | Mansfield; Sir; Peter (1933 - 2017) | 1933 - 2017 |