RefNo | HS/19/2 |
Level | Item |
Title | Summaries of letters between Sir John Frederick William Herschel and Johann Elert Bode |
Date | 1821 |
Description | Summaries of exchanges between German astronomer Johann Elert Bode (1747-1826) and Sir John Frederick William Herschel and concerning Bode, made by Sir John Frederick William Herschel, likely as a calendar of exchanges related to the Royal Astronomical Society. The notes are headed 'Bode', the name is repeated on f.3 and at the back of f.4. Letter 1: Offer to make Bode Associate of the Royal Astronomical Society sent May 9 1820, note that a copy of the letter exists in the copie of letter sent Letter 2: Answer from Bode 'acquiescing' the proposal, who published a notice in the Jahrbuch for 1823 regarding the formation of the RAS. Exchange 3: "Having understood from various quarters that Mr Bode was in very distressed circumstances & even actually in prison to which extreme age, blindness & other aggravating circumstances were added, I suggested Baron [George] Best to institute enquiries in Berlin with the truth of these statements with a view to affording him assistance by way of subscription on the 27th April 1821. I in consequence received a letter from Baron Best ... assuring me that all such reports were utterly groundless, & giving a very satisfying account of Mr Bode's situation." Letter 4: Dated March 23 1821, copy from HS/18/10 confirming Bode's election as associate to the RAS, asking that RAS's annual prize be announced in Jahrbuch, asking for insertion of 'Reclamation' of Francis Baily against Jabbo Oltmanns, relative to the eclipse of [Thales?], into next Ephemeris. Sending copies of Bode's Ephemeris for T. F. Colby and for RAS. Letter 5: from Bode to Herschel, dated May 12 1821 in collection as HS/4/164; Bode thankful for his election, related to various astronomical publications ( Nautical Almanac; Philosophical Transactions; Astronomical Yearbook). Letter 6: only note regarding follow-up from previous - Herschel charged Lee to send the volumes to Bode. Exchange 7: October 1821, following return from Herschel, various letters by Bode, regarding the volumes sent by him but not acknowledged, not having received the volumes from Lee (Phil. Trans.) Exchange 8: November to December 1821, Herschel settling accounts for the books exchanged with Bode and asking for receipt of the sums, Bode complaining about not having received the Phil. Trans. from Lee.
All letters are summarised in short paragraph, written in first person. |
Extent | 4 ff. |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Ink on paper |
Dimensions | 33.5cm x 20 cm |
Digital images | View item on Science in the Making |
AccessStatus | Open |
RelatedRecord | HS/20/128 |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA8238 | Herschel; Sir; John Frederick William (1792 - 1871); astronomer | 1792 - 1871 |