
TitleTreatise, "Ueber die Rectification des Aequatoriale" [On the Rectification of Equatoreals], by Joseph Johann von Littrow
CreatorLittrow; Joseph Johann (1781-1840); Austrian astronomer
Date3 January 1824
DescriptionFull handwritten treatise, including equations on the calculation of equatoreals sent by Littrow to Sir John Herschel. This treatise was likely an early version of the one presented at the Royal Astronomical Society in 1842 by William Whewell, according to their Monthly Notices. It discusses the configuration of the latest lenses manufactured in England and Germany and the necessary corrections to observation required by diffraction.
Sir John Herschel annotated the treatise: "Littrow N.8", date received: January 3 1824 (postage 8s:9d); date acknowledged: 21 January 1824; date translated: 10 March 1824.
Extent11 pp.
PhysicalDescriptionInk on paper
Place originn.p.
Digital imagesView item on Science in the Making
Fellows associated with this archive
NA8238Herschel; Sir; John Frederick William (1792 - 1871); astronomer1792 - 1871
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