RefNo | HS/19/242 |
Level | Item |
Title | Table of expenses for the Port Louis observatory [Mauritius], by John Augustus Lloyd |
Date | 31 October 1837 |
Description | Itemised table of expenses to set-up the astronomical observatory at Port Louis on Mauritius, by John Augustus Lloyd. Includes all names and costs for local instrument-makers, tradesmen, builders, details on the set-up and instruments. Notes the interest on the value of instruments for seven years, and leaves empty an entry for "amount of reasonable remuneration for my services, trouble, & exertions during 6 years in establishing & keeping up the observatory... Purchase of my proprietary share in the estate". This table was likely sent in enclosure to HS/11/298, Herschel also sent it to Thomas Maclear, who thanked him for it in HS/12/195 |
Language | English |
Extent | 6 pp. |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Ink on paper |
Place origin | Port Louis, Mauritius |
Origin coordinates | -20.164444, 57.504167 |
Digital images | View item on Science in the Making |
AccessStatus | Open |
RelatedMaterial | DOI: 10.1098/rspl.1837.0251 |
DOI: 10.1098/rspl.1830.0293 |
RelatedRecord | HS/11/299 |
HS/12/195 |
HS/11/298 |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA8238 | Herschel; Sir; John Frederick William (1792 - 1871); astronomer | 1792 - 1871 |
NA1394 | Lloyd; John Augustus (1800 - 1854); engineer and surveyor | 1800 - 1854 |