RefNo | HSF/1/2/14 |
Previous numbers | 600/31/16 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from John Bullar, Basset Wood, near Southampton, to [Sir John Frederick William Herschel] |
Creator | Bullar; John (1778-1864); British clergyman and historian |
Date | 20 May 1862 |
Description | He blames his tardiness in responding to the receipt of Herschel's Homeric essay on being in his 85th year. He was honoured by the inscription. Herschel's interest in hexameters is not new to Bullar, but he doubts whether his care and skill will influence the general reader. One of his granddaughters had been reading a poem by [Henry Wadsworth] Longfellow in the metre. Bullar agrees with Herschel that Pope is magnificent. When he was eight or nine he received a present of Pope's version of 'The Iliad', which his mother encouraged him to read aloud at her knee. He presents his compliments to Lady Herschel and his sons write with respectful remembrances. |
Extent | 4p. |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Ink on paper |
AccessStatus | Open |