
TitleMinutes of a meeting of the Society
Date14 October 1696
Description ' The Society mett according to their resolution of August last.

The Minutes of last Meeting were read.

A Letter from Mr Hally from Chester October the 12th was read giving an account of Severall particulers relating to the City of Chester and that the variation he observed there was about 40 degrees,. The Society ordered thanks to be returned for his letter and to desire him to keep an exact corresspondence with them.

Mr Hunt brought the Picture of the animal in the tower called Hyena. it was ordred to be laid up and a farther account gott of it, and a figure with an account of it to be given in the Transactions.
The Same gave from Mr Bagford a Whales Pizzle and a large tortoise Shell.
There were produced by Dr Sloane some trufles brought from neare Towcester in Northamptonshire.
Mr Folkes presented the Society with his Book of Palmyra for which Dr Woodward was desired to return him the thanks of the Society and there was ordred an account of it to be inserted in the Transactions.
Mr Southwell presented the Society from the author Mr Adrians of Amsterdam a Chirurgicall treatise of Amputations, and Some figures of very large wanns latley cutt by him from the Side of the Neck - was desired to give an account of it. The Author had a great many thanks, which Mr Southwell was desired to give him notice of. The figures of the wenns were the same it these in the last edition of Scultotus's Charurgery
Dr Hook presented the Society with a green Capricorn flea taken in a Chamber in London Smelling very pleasantly on which Mr Pottiver said that many insects had fragrant smells some like rose watter or lignum rhodium and others of other smells.
Part of a Letter from Dr Gardon was read to Dr Sloane owing an account of Beans thrown up in Scotland , Dr Sloane produced 3 from Jamaica growing there exactly the same with them viz. those commonly called Cocoons in Jamaica, horse eye beans and nichars, and mentioned in his Catalogue under those names, the other was one described in Chipuiys enshes [?]
Sir Robert Southwell reported that in Ireland before shoos different from Broguesd were worne the Inhabitants were never troubled with corns, the Brogues having a hole to let in and out water they called it disease Cornsoul : kirkie or horse eye having noo such disease or name for it: before the use of shoos which ketp out the water, they had kids heals and cured them with Gunpowder putt into the sores and these fired which burnt like a Serpent and dryed up their sores.
There was read a Letter from Mr Martine a Surgeon living in the north parts of Scotland wherein were severall observations of nature in those places, as about the Seasons of laying eggs, the uses of some plants particularly Spearwort for blistring in any prt where paine was etc. Some of them appeared not well grounded, but he was ordred the thanks of the Society and they were willing any charges he should be at on their account shoudl be defrayed.
Sir Robert Southwell proposed Mr Petty as a Candidate for the Society and Mr Charles Bernard was proposed by Dr Slone and they were both approved by the Society.
A Letter from Mr Bernard was read giving an account of 2 large Stones cutt from the meatus urinarius of A Gentleman where they had layn 20 years. '
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