Description | ' Sir John Hoskins Vice President in the Chaire
It was thought that if insects were the only cause of Trufles they would be oftenor found in them, Dr Sloane Said that Mr Bonnevort had reported that he had found the Trufle in Mr Douncles woody walks in Barkshire.
Mr Aubery related related he had eat of Some Inbera terrae taken up at Livington in Wiltshire at my Lord Abbingtons house.
It was desired that Dr Gale Should be asked for Kendry Jenkins his age he haveing particularly enquered into it.
Mr Midleton related he had Seene a woman Ann Marchand in Cornwall at Gurthiam neare Penzance never 6 miles from her native place, She was 153 years of Age, her Sone a Bastard in the register was born in the 53rd year of her age, She could not Speak English, her eyes full, She lookt well and her pulse good, She had a kind of Sower Beer for her drink, She dyed in the yeare 1681 never Sick.
It was Said Mr Gattford Reader at Saint Giles Church cristned 3 children born at one birth by a woman 52 years of Age.
Mr Roberts testifyed the story of the Male Greyhound, whelping a fetus aninus by the anus, the whelp marked.
The way of making Tar Pitch, and oils, from the Stone taklen up in Shropshire was Shewen by Dr Sloane, together with a draught of the Houses and origins by which they are made. The Stone is Dugg out of this neighbouringh Hills to Pitchford, they are ground Small, by means of Severall mills Such as are used at Glashouses for Grinding flints to powder, this powder is putt into large pans whereby means of boiling water, the bilumonious parts lodged in the Pores of the Stone are boiled out and Swim at top in the form of tarr and is used (as petroleum) to cure aches and pains, it is also Said to be bery penetrating So as to peirce very easly thick plants by Sinking into them, tis used to make other oile burne Clearer and a peice of browen paper being dipt into it burnt much better then any kind of Common oile does, it was thought it might be good in fireworks.
Dr Hook thought this tarr might be used for a very good kind of [blank] and might exceed any yet knowen.
Dr Sloane produced Some of the root Kipercoanha, it came from Brasil to Lisbon and thence hither, tis used by Indians to Stop bloody fluxes and Diarrhaeas, it vomits asnd purges, the dose is in powder in breath from 12 to 15 or 20 Grains. The Same related the Purchas in his voyages in an account there published of Brasile has taken notice of this root for this Purpose, and that John Delaet and Wormius as well as Piss and Margrave Speak of it, he gave Some of it for the Repository.
Part of A Letter from Mr Leewen Hook [Leewenhok] was read giving an account of Severall Microscopical observatins as about the circulation of the blood in young Eels, a Sor tof mite having forcipes liek mens hands etc: the other part of his Lettter was ordred to be translated and read next day.
Mr Churchill sent a perfect book of Malpighi's Opera posthuma for the Society, to Show that he had finished it by the time he promised and had printed from the copy as it was transmitted by Order of Malpighi himselfe both in Italian and Latine.'