
TitleMinutes of meeting
Date10 February 1664
Description The Experiment of weighing the Air, was repeated, whereof Mr Hook is to give an Account in writing at the next Meeting. Entered Register No 3, page 12

The President produced a letter written to him by Mr Flint, from Runton in Norfolk, giving some account of the lands of Jer, floating in the Island-sea, of an incredible profundity ; and dedsiring also a Thermometer for hsi Correspondent there. It was ordered, that a Couple of Thermometers shiould be made ready for that purpose, and carefully put up, by the Operator against next day.

Ssir Pete Wyche presented the Society with a Book of the life of Don John de Castro etc translated by him out of Portugal into English; He received the thanks of teh Company, and the book was comitted to Dr Goddard's custody.

Dr Goddard's account of Eggs and their differences between new and stale, and the Signes of each arising thence, was read and ordered to be entered, with thanks to the Author. (Register No. 3, Fol. 8)

Dr Goddard mentioned that the Dog formerly cut of the Spleen by Dr Charleton, was dead, and being opened was found swelled, by store of purulent matter, caused doubtless by the Effusion of bloud, occasioned by the not well closing of the Vessels cut from the parenolyma of the Spleen.

Ordered, that the Experiment be repeated with more care by Dr Charleton.

Mr Ball gave some account of what Mr STreet had calculated of the Sums Eclispe of January the 18th 1663/4, Vis that it should begin at 7 of the clock and 39 ' 59" in the morning, and the Sun be covered about one tenth part.

Mention being made of Mercury's conjunction with the Sun the 25th of October next, it was ordered that Dr Goddard, Dr Whistler, Mr Ball and Mr Hook should prepare for teh Observation, as also, that some of the curious in the English Plantations of America, as Mr Winthrop in New England, Mr Norwood in the Bermudas, Captain Taylor in Virginia and Dr Stubbs in Jamaica, should be desired to make the said Observations in those parts.

Sir Paul Neile moved that Observations maight be made of the Suns figures in its rising and setting about Coven garden, and at Deptford ; The President was desired to observe in Covent - garden, and Mr Evelyn at Deptford, or if he cannot conveniently do it himselfe, to engage some persons there or at Greenwich, to do it.

Mr Henshaw read the History fo Lignum fossils minerale, as he had translated it out of a Treatise written in Italian on tht Subject by Francesco Stelluti. He had the thanks of the Company and his paper was ordered to be laid up, together with the printed book presented by him to the Society from Sir Robert Paston, and committed to Dr Goddard's custody.

Mr Southwell shewed the Company a part of the thorny Safeguard of an American Pumpkin brought from those parts by the Lord Windsor, and related, that with such a Substance the whole outside of that fruit was so surrounded, that the birds, which else woudkl eat it all by reason of its sweetnesse, could not come at it. It was delivered to the Operator to put it into the repository.

The President moving it to the Company, whether they would have a Body again, to dissect at the next Execution, it was ordered that a warrant should be drawn up for demanding a Body; and that the Physitians of the Society formerly appointed, should meet and consult, by whom and how the Dissection was to be managed.

Mr Hook was ordered to make the following Experiments at the next Meeting : 1. to immerso a Bell in water and to conveigh into it a continual stream of Air. 2. to try the strength of Severall kinds of Wood, as to bending, toughnesse etc and to break them severall wayes, both longwise and crosswise. 3. to Try springs both in the rarifying and compressing - Engin.

The President moving it to the Company, that the businesse of Diving might be taken into consideration, as a thing that would be, at this time especially, very acceptable, if it could be reduced to practice; it was ordered that his Lordship himselfe, Sir Rober Moray, Sir William Petty, Dr Wilkins, Dr Goddard, Mr Oldenburg and Mr Hook should be a Committee for that purpose, and meet at the Lord Brounckers howse on Satturday next, about 10 of the Clock : and make a Report on wednesday next. '
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