Description | ' Mr Burnet and Mr Carkasse Elected and admitted.
Dr Goddard's account of an Experiment of Spirit of Wine in a Vessel exhausted of Air, was read and ordered to be Entred. [Register No. 3 Fol. 18]
Sir Robert Moray's relation concerning Diving and working under Water, received by him from Mr Masole, was read, together with an Account of an Instrument with which he said Masole can take Ballast out of a ship lying under water 15, 20 or 25 fathom deep ; all which was ordered to be registred. [Register No. 3 Folio 20]
Mr Colwall's Account concerning Frauds committed about Hydes and Leather, expressed in the Statutes, was read and ordered to be communicated to Mr Charles Howatd, in refference to his History of Tanning.
Mr Boyle produced a Substance, found in Ambergriis, said by some to be the Beaks of Birds : He was deisred to Examine it Chymically, to see whether it be an Animal substance or not.
The businesse of Diving, being again Spoken of, Dr Charleton made mention of one Mr Knipe, as able to give a good Account of the Diving for the Cocos Maldiva : He was desired to procure that Account in writing ; which he promised to doe when the said Mr Knipe should come to Town.
Mr Boyle gave the Company some Account concerning Monsieur Pascall's lately publisht Treatise of the weight of the Air, and promised to give a larger Account hereafter.
He shewed also several Experiments, mentioned in the said Book, and was desired to give them in writing : and to adde at his first convenience, the Experiment, concerning the way of the Ascension of Water in Pumps ; in Order to which, the Operator was comanded to draw 3 or 4 of the glasse - pipes, employed by Mr Boyle for the shewing of this Experiment.
The Operator gave an Account of the Experiment of the Birds condition in the Air compressed to a third : viz that he was somewhat sick, whilst inclosed in the vessel, wherein the said Compression was made, but being traken out, was found well and lively, though afterwards sick again, yet dyed not, as the other did in a former Experiment, but recovered perfectly.
The Experiment of breaking several Sorts of wood, was begun to be made : And there were taken 3 pieces of several kinds of Firre . Oak and Ashe, each an inch thick and two foot Long ; the Firre weighing 8 and one sixteenth ouncwe wa broken with two hundred weight : the Oak weighed 12 and thre quarter once, broken with two hundred and a halfe weight ; the Ashe weighed 10 and one quarter ounce ; broken with 325 weight.
Besides, there were taken three peices of the same sort of wood, each halfe an inch thick and a foot ong. The Firre weighed one ounce and was broken with five eigths of a hundred : The Oak weighed one and five eigth ounce, broken with 100 pounds.
Again , there was a peice of Firre, halfe an inche square, and two foot long, broken with 33 pounds : A peice of half an inchthick , an inch broad and two foot Long, broken with 125 weight edgewise.
This Experiment was ordered to be prosecuted by the Lord Brouncker, Sir William Petty and Mr Hook : And it was suggested by some of the Company, that these Tryalls consideration might be had of the age, knottinesse, solidity, several Soyles, and several parts of Trees : and an Account be brought in writing of all.
Sir Robert Moray did particularly move that it might be observed how fare any kind of wood bends before it breaketh.
Mention being made of the Standard, how to estimate highly rectified Spirit of Wine by, Sir William Petty suggested, that it might be estimated by its burning away quickest by weeks : the ordinary standard being its burning all away by Flame.
The Secretary gave some Account from Mr Beale concerning the Spirit of Cyder ; viz that one Mr Gulson, a candid and able Artist in Somersetshire, had distilled some Cyder made of promiscuous Cyder - fruit, and obtained one full pint of very good Spirit, out of 4 quarts of such Cyder ; but had not expressed whether he had employed old or new Cyder.
Sir Paul Neile related that he had been informed, that Sir Edmund Sawyer, had obtained double the quantity of Spirit from the Cyder made of the Bromsbury and Fillet, to that of Pippins.
Mr Boyle related from a credible person in Russia, that in those parts there had lately appeared a Blazing Starre, and been felt a considerable Earthquake ; a thing unusual in that Country.
Dr Croon promised to write to Dr Power, about Mr Gascon's papers concerning glasses.
Mr Beal having offered himselfe by Letter, to communicate severall matters concerning Agriculture, if the Society should please to appoint a Committee to receive and examine them ; it was thought good that the Councill should consider of this and other Committees, for several Subjects ; and having appointed them, and nominated fit persons for them, present them to the Society for their Approbation or alteration.
Sir Robert Moray mentioned that Monsieur le Son, now in England, did pretend, so to compresse the Air, as to make it burn wood. '