Description | Observations made at Madras [Chennai], India, summarised in a paper intended for the Royal Society, and with supplementary meteorological tables. The paper [pp.3-20] commences: 'Meteorology may be considered among those enquiries in which mankind have made no very great progress...'. After this, there appears:
Table 1 [pp.21-56]: 'Diary for every hour'; hourly observations on selected days of the month, with columns for the barometer, thermometer, hygrometer, winds, weather, and phases of the Moon. 10 January-30 December 1823. Table 2 [pp.57-68]: 'Height of the Thermometer, Barometer...'; maximum [?] heights of barometer, thermometer and hygrometer, with means and differences, and corrections, 10 January-30 August 1823. First supplementary table [p.69]: 'Corrections from the foregoing Table II to be applied to the Mean daily Heights...' Second supplementary table [p.70]: 'Corrections from the foregoing Table II to be applied to the Mean monthly Heights...' Table 3 [pp.71-105]: 'Daily Mean Height of the Thermometer and Barometer...' 1796-1821: with rainfall, and the addition of the hygrometer from 1819. Table 4 [pp. 107-118]: 'Mean Height of the Barometer for each day of the Year, between 1796 and 1821'. Table 5 [pp.119-130]: 'Mean Height of the Thermometer for each day of the Year, between 1796 and 1821'. Table 6 [pp.131-151]: 'Table of the Mean, Greatest, and Least Heights, and the Extreme Differences of the Barometer and Thermometer of the Madras Observatory...', 1796-1821. Table 7 [p.152]: 'Mean Height of the Barometer and Thermometer at Madras fromn Table VI'. 1796-1821. Table 8 [p.153]: Mean Monthly Height of the Barometer and Thermometer for 21 years between 1796 and 1821; with the Height of the Hygrometer, and also the Mean Fall of Rain'. Read to the Royal Society on 24 March 1825.
Headed [p.3]: 'Results of Meteorological Observations taken at the Madras Observatory under the Superintendence of John Goldringham Esq. F.R.S.' Signed [p.20]: 'J Goldingham Madras July 1824'm, and signed again [p.153].. |