
Previous numbersMA.29
TitleLetter from Élie-François Wartmann, Lausanne, to John David Roberton, Assistant Secretary to the Royal Society, Somerset House, London
CreatorWartmann; Élie-François (1817-1886); Swiss physicist
Date24 January 1842
DescriptionWartmannn sends meteorological observations from Lausanne, since Roberton had told him he was interested. He is not aware that Sir John Herschel and Professor [John David] Daniell are paying attention to these matters, or that the Royal Society might think them useful in connection with terrestrial magnetism enquiries. He asks if Roberton will communicate the results to the named gentlemen, noting that the material was gathered at the invitation of Professor [Adolphe] Quetelet of Brussels. Wartmann will make similar observations at the equinoxes and soltices of the present year and will copy them to Roberton if he would like. He describes the barometer in use, similar to those of the Helvetic Society of Natural Sciences, made by [Johann Georg] Oeri of Zurich. Corresponding observations by [Joseph Louis] Gay-Lussac's barometer agree with it strikingly. From comparisons with the Geneva observatory, the Lausanne observations made in the physical collection room was at 130 metres, 65 metres above the Geneva instrument.

He has just translated Professor Wheatstone's paper 'An account of some experiments to measure the velocity of electricity and the duration of electric light' from the Philosophical Transactions of 1834. He will send it to M. [Auguste Arthur] de la Rive for the next number of the Archives. He asks if the author has any additional experiments, he should write to Wartmann and he will ensure their translation. Wartmann will publish his lectures on terrestrial magnetism soon, and requests that Roberton sends him anything he knows on this subject. Alphonse de Candolle is publishing an autobiography of his father and a copy will be sent to the Royal Society. He hopes that Roberton has received the papers sent from Paris and he asks to be remembered to his British friends.

Table of hourly meteorological observations [p.3] made from 6.00am on 21 December 1841 to 6.00pm on 22 December 1841. With columns for the hour, barometer, thermometer and hygrometer readings, wind direction and cloud cover, with general remarks. Headed: 'Observations météorologiques du Solstice d'hiver 1841, faites au Cabinet de Physique de l'Académie de Lausanne'. Endorsed [p.4]: '1841 Dec. 21 & 22 à Lausanne - par Prof Hartmann'. Red wax seal with the initials 'EW'. Typed paper label [p.1]: Lausanne. 1841, 42. Wartmann.'.
PhysicalDescriptionInk on paper
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