Description | Enclosing copies of his meteorological observations at the 1837 and 1838 solstices, and probably those made at the greatest elevation. Roberton is at liberty to make what use of them he thinks proper. He describes his barometer, by Fortin of Paris, the same instrument he compared with that of the Royal Society in September 1886. The exterior thermometer was by Robinson, probably superior in accuracy to the Royal Society's. In underground observations he used a thermometer by Pastorelli. His station at La Paz is at 12,084 feet and at Polopoto 11,932 feet, as determined by numerous barometer readings. He notes the regularity of his observations. He has not received the Royal Society's Proceedings since leaving England and he would be obliged if they could be sent to Mr. Bidwell at the Foriegn Office for forwarding. |