Description | Monthly temperature observations from Aden, with columns for dry and wet bulb thermometer readings taken at sunrise, 9.00am, 2.00pm, sunset, and at 9.00pm; with maximum, minimum, mean, and range, with depression for the wet bulb.
Headed [p.1]: 'The Monthly Mean of the Meteorological Observations as taken on Shum-Shum, Aden, for the Year ending on the 31st Day of the Month of July 1848'. Repeated verso, with the addition [p.2] of: 'Registered by Private Alfred Marcus 2nd Regiment B'bay Eur. Lt. Infy'. [Bombay European Light Infantry, an East India Company Regiment later subsumed into the British Army]. With notes: 'ask him some question about Col. [Charles] Hamilton Smith's work on races' and 'Ask him if the connecting links between language and race are still to be depended upon, or whether these are too much obliterated [?] to be a guide?' A pencil note has been added: 'Dr. [James Cowles] Pritchard The Ethnologist'. |