RefNo | MC/15/267 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from [Herbert Hall] Turner, Secretary of the Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House, to the Secretary of the Royal Society |
Date | 8 April 1892 |
Description | Turnerr has been 'directed by the Council of the Royal Astronomical Society to communicate to you a resolution of the Eclipse Committee' 'that the Royal Society be addressed with a view to the formation of a joint committee for the consideration of arrangments for observing the total solar eclipse of 1893'. Remarks that the Eclipse Committee is a permanent commitee of the Royal Astronomical Society, and lists the members. Refers to the Committee dealing with arrangments for the previous total solar eclipse in 1889. At a recent meeting of the Committee it was resolved to send four observers to the West African station 'provided the sum of £600 can be obtained'. Turner requests the Secretary to bring this matter under the consideration of the Council of the Royal Society. |
Extent | 4p |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Ink on paper |
AccessStatus | Open |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA1105 | Turner; Herbert Hall (1861 - 1930); astronomer and seismologist | 1861 - 1930 |