RefNo | MC/2/209 |
Level | Item |
Title | Requisition for a Special General Meeting of the Royal Society |
Date | 21 May 1836 |
Description | Calling for the President and Council of the Society to convene a special general meeting to discuss and decide on the need to expunge from the Journal Books parts of its minutes deemed 'informal and invalid'. The requisition is signed by Augustus Bozzi Granville, [John Ayrton] Paris, [William Richard] Hamilton, [William Martin] Leake, Gore Ouseley, [Joseph] Sabine, and is further supported by [Samuel Daniel] Broughton, Benjamin Oliveira, [Henry] Earle, John Knowles, [Andrew] Baird, Marshall Hall, [Thomas Joseph] Pettigrew, and James Copland. Signed at 16 Grafton Street, Berkely Square.
[Resolution unanimously rejected by Council on 8 June 1836.] |
Extent | 2p |
Format | Manuscript |
AccessStatus | Open |
RelatedRecord | CMP/1/61 |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA7466 | Granville; Augustus Bozzi (1783 - 1872) | 1783 - 1872 |
NA5446 | Paris; John Ayrton (1785 - 1856) | 1785 - 1856 |
NA5805 | Hamilton; William Richard (1777 - 1859); diplomat | 1777 - 1859 |
NA7445 | Leake; William Martin (1777 - 1860) | 1777 - 1860 |
NA5666 | Ouseley; Sir; Gore (1770 - 1844) | 1770 - 1844 |
NA3055 | Sabine; Joseph (1770 - 1837) | 1770 - 1837 |
NA5925 | Broughton; Samuel Daniel (1787 - 1837) | 1787 - 1837 |
NA1440 | Oliveira; Benjamin (c 1807 - 1865) | c 1807 - 1865 |
NA7485 | Earle; Henry (1789 - 1838) | 1789 - 1838 |
NA5434 | Knowles; John (1781 - 1841) | 1781 - 1841 |
NA7514 | Baird; Andrew (1757 - 1843) | 1757 - 1843 |
NA7503 | Pettigrew; Thomas Joseph (1791 - 1865) | 1791 - 1865 |
NA2532 | Copland; James (1791 - 1870) | 1791 - 1870 |