
TitleLetter from Ian Dunn; Lake Katwe; to Peter Greenwood; Cromwell Road, London
CreatorDunn; Ian George (1934 - ); biologist
Date26 July 1967
DescriptionUpdates Greenwood on research progress. He has sampled two areas intensively with emphasis on species he is happy with the results so far. Describes the differences in fish dominance between day and night. Daytime Brassy and Parabrassy were about equal in quantities but nighttime Brassy were entirely dominant with only 'very very few Parabrassy'. He and Lesley McGowan have started a series of 26 hour watches off the sandy shallows to sample Chironomids and Chaoborids. Building a data set of feeding and activity patterns in 3-4 hours intervals. In regards to committee meetings, he has sent a letter to John Lund about the caretaking of the porject site and team members. He says that policy, ethos, and philosophy has to be established now. Also makes the suggestion to start thinking about the fact that two of the current team members will need replacing in two years once their contracts end. Asks Greenwood not to let the committee 'shelve it' as it could lead to a decline in morale and asks that Greenwood 'get them to think BIG and FORWARD'.
PhysicalDescriptionInk on paper
Fellows associated with this archive
NA2126Greenwood; Peter Humphry (1927 - 1995); ichthyologist1927 - 1995
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