RefNo | MS/257/2/219 |
AltRefNo | Sa.601 |
Previous numbers | ES2/34/601 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from [James Duncan] Graham, Baltimore to Edward Sabine, London |
Date | 26 October 1856 |
Description | Graham thanks Sabine for the volumes containing ‘an account of the magnetical and meteorological observations made at Athabasca and Fort Simpson by Captain [John Henry] Lefroy’ ‘and at Fort Confidence by Sir John Richardson’. Graham remarks on Sabine’s contributions to magnetism and meteorology. Graham would be thankful if Sabine could forward similar publications to him in the future. Graham is travelling to Chicago and will work toward ‘harbour improvements’ on lakes Michigan and St Clair. Refers to and the area 24 years ago as an ‘Indian village [referring to Indigenous peoples] with no other white residents than those constituting the military garrison’ and the oldest white person born in Chicago was a woman ‘only 24 years old’. Remarks on the growth of population in Chicago from 4,700 in 1840 to 95,000 in [1856]. Reference to the connection of railroads in Chicago, value of imports and exports. Graham’s friend Dr John Campbell Morfit is travelling to England and Graham has provided him with a note of introduction for Sabine. Graham would be happy to be of service to any friends of Sabine’s travelling to [America]. |
Extent | 4p |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Ink on paper |
AccessStatus | Open |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA8279 | Sabine; Sir; Edward (1788 - 1883) | 1788 - 1883 |