RefNo | MS/257/4/386 |
AltRefNo | Sa.1525 |
Previous numbers | ES4/24/1525 |
Level | Item |
Title | Letter from Balfour Stewart, Kew Observatory to [Edward Sabine] |
Date | 6 October 1864 |
Description | Stewart is unsure whether Mr Moritz application was made with Professor [Adolph Theodor] Kupffer’s approval and remarks on ‘a little jealousy between them’. Refers to the knife edge regarding the pendulum experiments. Received a note from Mr [Richard Christopher] Carrington in which ‘he speaks in very strong turns’ about Mr [George Biddell] Airy.
Includes a letter from [James Palladio] Basevi to Sabine. Basevi asks which pendulums should be used in the Indian experiments. |
Extent | 3p |
Format | Manuscript |
PhysicalDescription | Ink on paper |
AccessStatus | Open |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA6042 | Stewart; Balfour (1828 - 1887) | 1828 - 1887 |
NA8279 | Sabine; Sir; Edward (1788 - 1883) | 1788 - 1883 |